Tag Archives: FBI corruption

A broad conspiracy…

Well…with the arrest of the FBI traitor Mcgonigal in relation to his getting paid off by the Russians to interfere with the 2016 election and the recent disclosure that Michael Flynn also paid him 28k to lie to James Comey to get him to re-open the investigation into Hillary’s e-mails, we can see that this was a broad conspiracy to install trump in the presidency….and it was all run by the Russians…but the sick part that hasn’t been revealed yet is why the NY Times pushed the e-mail story relentlessly when there was nothing to it…were they being paid by the Russians, too? I think we need an investigation into the reporters and editors who were involved in pushing this story since they are still doing it today by pushing right wing talking points every damn day….and it’s the same cast of characters around trump who were convicted of their crimes that he pardoned and are still stirring up violence even after the January 6th attacks…what the hell does it take to bring criminals to justice in this country? And that goes for Barr and Dunham who lied to the country about the investigation into the Russia interference in the election…if no one is held accountable, all of this crap is going to happen again…or it is happening but they’ve just gotten better at hiding it….geez…