Tag Archives: grifter cards

Now it’s only about the grift..

Well…I’m sure there were some folks who were waiting breathlessly for the idiot trump’s “big announcement” that he telegraphed the other day…was he going to run for speaker of the house was the one that gained the most traction but that would mean he would have to actually work and he’d never do that…I really had hoped that he would be announcing that he was fleeing to Russia to avoid going to jail…but no such luck…it was just the announcement of another grift, and that is all he is about any more…to try to fleece the rubes one more time before he’s indicted and this one is just so tacky that I’m even shaking my head….now, for a limited time only, you can be the first to give idiot boy 99 dollars for a tacky card that has the idiot dressed up as a superhero…and that’s not all, it’s part of a set that every maga asshole needs…so get them all before they are gone…they will be collectors items and you can display them proudly in you living room….so get on it magas…give the idiot the rest of the money you have left…you don’t need to eat…geez…