Tag Archives: illegal pardons

The pardons begin…

Well…we all saw this coming…that the idiot trump would start pardoning the dregs of society and those who helped him collude with the Russians to win in the 2016 election…of course he started with Flynn and now Flynn is driving the bus of getting idiot boy to declare martial law and destroy the constitution….pretty bad dreg, huh? The latest pardons include three disgraced repub congressmen, and the worst one possible where he granted clemency to one of the Blackwater thugs who murdered 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians and was serving life without parole…but I guess that’s okay to the modern repub party…after all, killing 300,000 plus Americans is okay to them so what is 14 Iraqis?  This bullshit has to be tied around every repub neck for the rest of time since they had to chance to remove him and didn’t just to protect their power…and now they own it forever….and, it’s going to get worse…