Well….I am just shaking my head right now with a speech that ole Mitt did the other day preparing for another run at the White House where he went on and on that income inequality has increased under Obama and he is concerned about it…what real chutzpah….he wasn’t too concerned when he was stealing millions and putting tens of thousands out of work while working at Bain capital…but, in an act of the cheapest political crap, he has flip flopped on this issue just because he saw that it worked for Obama…not from any new found concern for the middle class…he still thinks that 47% of them are just leeches who won’t work. I can’t wait for the news shows…well..”the Daily Show” anyway to get hold of this one….how much shallower can he show himself to be?
Tag Archives: income inequality
Just a short one on some news…
Well…just wanted to relate something that I read today about some economic analysis that has recently been completed…the numbers are in people, and we now have the largest income inequality in the history of the country…yep, even worse than the depression, even worse than the gilded age of the robber barons whose trusts stole everything while their workers died and people starved…oh, sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Sounds just like now….with the repubs trying to steal everything that is not nailed down for their owners like the Kochs…and then cutting food stamps by forty billion dollars so people really will starve…they will literally starve citizens of this country just so the rich can have another summer home or Ferrari….this is just so sick I can’t even believe there are people like this in the world…we can do something about this, we just need the will…and the repubs to die off…geez…
Just a reminder…
Well…just a short one to remind people why ole Mitt is not going to reveal more detail from his economic plan…he doesn’t need to, just look back at ole GW’s plan and you will see everything that ole Mitt has to offer…tax cuts for the rich, exploding deficits, and much more income equality….let’s repeat that…tax cuts for the rich, exploding deficits, and more income equality…I should repeat it again but you get the point…geez….