Tag Archives: killing Social Security

Everyone on SS is going back to work..

Well… I have a message for all of the people on SS who are now eeking by and who are thinking of voting for trump…get ready to go back to work in 2031…it was revealed by the non-partisan Committee For a Responsible Federal Budget yesterday that idiot boy’s tax plan will cause SS to go bankrupt in 2031, meaning that seniors like me whose entire income is SS can plan on going back to work in 2031 for the rest of their lives…I will be almost 80 when that happens…and even though we’ve paid into it our entire lives, idiot boy and his cronies are going to take the money that supports SS and give it as tax breaks to the rich and corporations…and yet people on SS still support idiot boy and are going to vote for him…again…does this make it personal enough that we will vote for our own interests again? Nope…people will vote for that corrupt felon, thinking that “he won’t do that” as they go broke and lose their homes as I will…and they will buy the fox news propaganda and even when we are homeless, they will blame “socialism” and the dems for killing SS as the repubs have tried to do since it was signed into law by Roosevelt…please SS recipients, get your heads out of your asses and face the reality of your vote for a senile asshole…people will starve and one of them is going to be me…geez…