Well…I know you may be getting tired of all of the focus here on ole Mitt, but he is just so darn tone deaf about everything that I just have to keep hitting these hanging curveballs. The latest bit of idiocy from his campaign just points up the crony capitalism that is part and parcel of the circles he runs in and should disqualify him from the presidency if only for his stupidity. The latest, if you haven’t heard, is his fundraiser that is being put on in London in a couple of weeks…and who is it being put on by? The chairs of this event are all involved with the interest rate fixing scandal that just cost Barclays bank (headed by one of Romneys supporters) 450 million dollars in fines…and these folks include at least three other bank executives that are also involved in the scandal….one of them being Barclays chief lobbyist in Washington. So, these are the type of people that Romney is “pallin’ around with” and who are trying to buy Romney the election so they can steal even more money by their unethical behavior. Is this the kind of America we want…one where the banks can steal with the blessing of the president? I sure don’t…but if anyone votes for Romney, that is exactly the America we’ll get….geez….