Well….as more and more details come out of Mike Flynn’s traitorous connections to the Russians, it is quite clear that he has broken the law and violated the Logan act that prohibits anyone from working against the US for a foreign country. Flynn, before he was legally able to contact the Russians, did just that…talking to the Russian ambassador about the sanctions that Obama had imposed as punishment for Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine, and asking them to delay any response to them until after trump was in office….and guess what? Putin did just that….and after Putin made the delay, trump tweeted basically “good job Vladdie” which shows he knew about the foreign policy meddling and that makes him just as guilty as Flynn…but, will the repubs do anything about it? Nope, they will let the trumpistas get away with any lawbreaking just as long as they get to keep power and cut taxes on the rich….and the country continues to circle the drain as the repubs refuse to do their jobs…