Well…if you didn’t really know how much the Kochs hate progress and anyone but the rich, you just have to take a look at the mischief they and their minions are doing in Tennessee. Just today the bought and paid for senators that they own put forth a new bill that would prevent any new mass transit projects from being built…yep, you heard it right…they have just introduced a bill that would not allow any county or municipality to look at their mass transit needs and do something about it…and guess what? Who are the people that use mass transit out in middle of the country? Yep, you guessed it…the middle class and poor….and now the Kochs are buying laws that don’t allow the people to say how their tax dollars are spent…of course, only the Kochs should be able to say how they are spent since they are rich and know better than anyone what the country needs…and, to them, any money spent on anything but tax cuts that benefit them just can’t be allowed to happen…what a bunch of asses…geez…