Well…during all the hoopla over the “religious freedom” law that was passed in Indiana, our governor, ole Rick Snyder said he would never sign a bill like that…well today showed that he is a liar of the worst sort…he did exactly what he said he wouldn’t…he signed three bills into law that gives adoption agencies in Michigan a brand new right (that the right is always bitching about), the right to not allow same sex couples to adopt due to their “honestly held” religious beliefs. I have had enough of this crap…my tax dollars go to support each and every one of these adoption agencies and I do not want to support people that have now been given the right to discriminate against anyone they don’t like…but these laws go even father than the ones in Indiana…they allow these supposed “religious groups” to not allow divorced people to adopt…to not allow single people to adopt…too not allow inter racial couples to adopt…you get my drift…with almost 4,000 kids waiting for a new home here in Michigan, you would think that any loving single or couple that wants to adopt would be welcome here in Michigan…but, again the repubs and our liar of a governor don’t give a damn about the kids…just pandering to the religious here that want to impose their warped view of religion on the rest of us….shame on you Snyder…I have lost all respect for the “tough nerd” that said he was above this crap…