Well…just sitting here watching some soccer and this little tidbit came across my twitter feed….Ted Nugent is “seriously” considering challenging Debbie Stabenow for her senate seat in 2018…now let that sink in for a minute…the repub party has sunk so low that they will support a pants-shitting, draft dodging, racist, child molester to be elected to the senate…the supposed party of morals (yeah, I know…they haven’t had any morals for a long time) is thinking of nominating an ignorant ass to run for governor…well…there is precedent with trump so maybe it’s not too much of stretch for them…but the idiot Nugent hasn’t even lived in Michigan for more than 20 years…has never worked in politics and probably has no idea how government works…look how well that is working out with trump….look, I know Debbie Stabenow and worked with her when she was a state senator…and she has worked tirelessly for our state…to replace her with terrible Ted (and not terrible as his stage name) would be a travesty and the cost to our state in respect would be enormous….just stay in Texas, Ted…that’s where you belong….