Tag Archives: Milwaukee

A pivot in Trumpland?

Well…if you were waiting for a pivot in Trumpland to more of a normal campaign, you can just put that little thought away and forget about it with the latest “reorganization” that was announced today. The money laundering Putin buddy campaign manager, Manafort has been pushed aside…or into the background as they said…to be replace by the head of Breitbart….not sure if you know about Breitbart but it is one of those hate spewing, conspiracy pushing, right wing crazy websites that truly believe that Hillary actually killed people like a hit man…and now this guy is running old Donald’s campaign…it’s not as if ole Donald hasn’t had a close relationship with them in the past…he regularly spouts Breitbart talking points during his “speeches” so now it will just be easier to come straight from Breitbart to Trumps lips…with these moves, it appears that ole Donald has given up on any sanity in his campaign and has gone all conspiracy, all the time…after all, it worked during the primaries…but, in the primaries, all he had to appeal to were other crazy assed people like him, but now, there just aren’t enough crazies to carry the general election. Oh, one last thing on how delusional ole Donald is, his “minority outreach” speech last night was given in an almost all white suburb of Milwaukee where there were no minorities in sight…genius I say, just genius…sad…