Well….I do want to do a political one today but I don’t want to talk about the idiot boy…so, I won’t….I do want to talk about other things…like our governor here in Michigan who I think is doing a great job during this crisis…but I have one little bitch about coverage of the gradual re-opening of businesses here that starts today….the media always pairs it with the moronic protests that the rw assholes have been doing here and that needs to stop since every damn one of them imply that it is the protests that started the opening process and not the measured, logical response of Governor Whitmer….who is just doing what she said she was going to do when the science allowed it…and not because some yahoos carrying confederate flags and trump posters forced her to….so media…stop that crap…I know headlines like those are clickbait to goose traffic to your sites but attacking a woman to make her look weak when she is doing her difficult job well is just the worst kind of misogyny and wouldn’t happen if she were a man….cripes it’s 2020…not 1920….