Well…I really do miss Keith Olbermann and his bit on the worst person in the world…if he was still doing it, this guy, Mo Brooks, a repub rep from Alabama would win the day hands down. Over the weekend this ass, this idiot made it known how bad he is by just one comment…that he thinks the Syrian refugees that are fleeing the violence there are just coming here for a “free vacation”….yep, he actually said that…with over 300,000 murdered or killed in the fighting there, these people fleeing for their lives are taking two years of jumping through hoops, and living in camps, just to get a “free vacation” here in the US. I wonder if the real reason might be that they want to live, that they want their children to live, and they want the chance to wake up in the morning and know their home won’t explode by the end of the day? I am so tired of these guys…you know, I really think it’s a plan by the assholes on the right…continue to be more and more assholey and outrageously crappy human beings and, after a while, people will just get immune to this crap…just like me…my outrage o’ meter has overloaded and it takes worse and worse things to peg it…but this one did….geez…