Well…with reporting coming out of the Pentagon that the idiot trump was presented with a “menu” of ways to attack Iran for reasons unknown, and that killing Soleimani was the most extreme action that was just thrown in to make the other choices look reasonable…I have a question for these idiots: “have you ever met idiot boy?” With his fan boy love of dictators and murderers from the time he was involved with the mob in NYC, it has always been clear that he has always been really pissed that he couldn’t just do what the mob bosses did and just make people giving him problems “go away”. So now they give him the chance to murder someone and they are surprised that he took it? Giving the idiot that choice is like giving a monkey a gun and then just hoping nothing bad happens….but knowing it would and doing it anyway. And, what the hell is it with a “menu” of ways to attack Iran? Did trump say “I’ll take an order of murder and two orders of drone strikes please?” Just having to present anything this complex to the idiot in the form of a “menu” shows that he is not competent to do his job and should be removed….and I’m sure idiot boy is walking around his golf club with his chest puffed out with his cronies telling him what a wonderful tough guy he is…and that is just sickening…and I know how trump is taking this whole thing….in his mind, he is thinking “why did I get impeached for extortion when it’s okay for me to murder someone? It’s not fair…” Oh, and Iraq’s parliament just voted to throw the rest of the US troops out of the country because of this murder….nice job, morons…