Well…the latest freak out on the right comes in the wake of the murders in Paris and it is predictable in that it has no basis in fact…just in the fevered minds (if you can call them minds) of the crazy asses on the right. If you haven’t heard this latest outrage is fueled by some pundit on fox saying that he saw maps that showed Muslim areas of Paris and London where Sharia law has supplanted the laws that govern the rest of the society and that no one but Muslims can go there…hence being called no go zones. the problem with this crap is that is just not true…no matter how the right tries to prey on the fears of their slow witted followers with lies and more lies…there are some that they just can’t get away with. When the pushback came from the prime minister of England and the PM of France that this whole thing was a bunch of crap, even Fox had to admit there was no truth to it. But, that didn’t stop the dim witted gov of Louisiana ole Bobby Jindal, from going to London to give a speech that spewed these same lies that have been debunked…but, that just doesn’t matter to those on the right….lies are the same as truth to them and they think all they have to do is believe in them to make them true…what a bunch of maroons…geez…