Tag Archives: Bobby Jindal

Bye, bye Bobby…

Well…I’m not sure that you knew this or not but Bobby Jindal was still running for president…until today that is…he just announced that he is ending his campaign…but, my question is “why did he start it?” His only credentials were hate of everyone that isn’t a repub, a trashed economy in Louisiana, and rejecting any refugees from Syria…yep, pretty thin resume if you ask me…great for a repub but thin for anyone else. He was never, ever going to get the nomination of the repubs anyway…just another of his delusions to go along with thinking that cutting taxes, gutting his state government, and trashing the university system would be better for his state and make the economy grow….so…bye, bye Bobby…don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out….or do, I don’t give a damn…

Down goes Bobby…

Well…no politics again today but there have been lots of laughable stuff going on with the right twisting themselves into knots trying to not comply with the marriage equality rulings from the supreme court….but, ole Bobby Jindal got slapped down by the courts today telling his state that they have to issue licenses…once that happened, ole Bobby, who has been blustering all week that he would never let the marriages happen, just disappeared…funny for someone who is running for president…but, really, is this guy so delusional that he believes he can get the repub nomination? Never, ever, going to happen…his approval ratings in his own state are down in the 20′s and that is never going to get you elected to anything….okay, I did have a political one in me today…yay!

No go zones….

Well…the latest freak out on the right comes in the wake of the murders in Paris and it is predictable in that it has no basis in fact…just in the fevered minds (if you can call them minds) of the crazy asses on the right. If you haven’t heard this latest outrage is fueled by some pundit on fox saying that he saw maps that showed Muslim areas of Paris and London where Sharia law has supplanted the laws that govern the rest of the society and that no one but Muslims can go there…hence being called no go zones. the problem with this crap is that is just not true…no matter how the right tries to prey on the fears of their slow witted followers with lies and more lies…there are some that they just can’t get away with. When the pushback came from the prime minister of England and the PM of France that this whole thing was a bunch of crap, even Fox had to admit there was no truth to it. But, that didn’t stop the dim witted gov of Louisiana ole Bobby Jindal, from going to London to give a speech that spewed these same lies that have been debunked…but, that just doesn’t matter to those on the right….lies are the same as truth to them and they think all they have to do is believe in them to make them true…what a bunch of maroons…geez…

Yep, it’s personal….

Well…over the last couple of years I have been admonished a few times by my friends to not take things so personally, especially politics, and I have taken that advice to heart for the most part…but, as I reflect further on the state of affairs in this country, I may have been wrong to listen…I am coming to a new way of thinking about things; that maybe the only way to effect change in our great country is to take all of the blows personally, to take torture in my name as an American personally, to take the concentration of wealth fostered by the repubs personally, to take the unrelenting partisanship in politics personally, and to take the gutting of the middle class personally. I don’t know if it will help or not but I think we need to do something different…especially when I hear of the “great social values awakening” that is the plan of the new Republican governors that were elected in November. I take it personally when these guys, including the new gov of Michigan Rick Snyder, are going back to the old, divisive ways of the past repub administrations where they try to shove the religious views of the minority of the electorate down our throats by legislation that is by design discriminatory…can we say more restrictions on women’s rights? Can we say legislating the permanent second class status for gays and lesbians by denying them the rights that the rest of us have? These are the guys that spout off about the constitution constantly, and how we have gotten away from it’s original intent….but it was never meant to restrict any groups rights, but to grow those rights as the society changed.

I take it personally when any political party abandons all principle for political gain….where, over the last 30 years. the repubs have been trying earnestly to kill the federal government by starving it of the tax revenue it needs to provide the protections that all societies provide to it’s citizens…and yet show it’s just a political ploy when one of their “stars”, Governor Jindal of Louisiana, goes on “Meet the Press” today and bitches that the federal government should have had ships, etc. sitting and ready to cope with any oil spills in the gulf….okay, Bobby, where do we get the money when your party is still trying to bankrupt the government by giving the rich a $700 billion dollar tax cut? Explain this to me…it’s the governments job to clean up after all of the business polluters, but it’s not the job of government to support citizens with UI benefits when we are in the greatest recession in all of our lifetimes? Can you see why I think I have to start taking all of this stuff personally again? But, I am going to try to convert those feelings into some sort of action…don’t know what it is yet…but this question keeps running through my head..”if not now, when”…geez…