Tag Archives: obstruction of impeachment

It just doesn’t work that way…

Well..the little tin pot dictator in the WH has a brand new letter coming out tonight where they are going to say that they don’t believe that the impeachment is “legitimate” and are not going to cooperate with the dems in the house in any way…yeah, fellas, that’s not how it works…you don’t get to choose to “participate” in an impeachment…you are the damn subject of an impeachment and  can’t “choose” to not be impeached…and even your stolen supreme court is not going to allow you to destroy the constitution to keep from getting your ass thrown out…okay, house dems…it’s time to start locking these criminals up if they don’t cooperate…and if the SC allows this shit to happen, we will take the entire government back in 2020 and then your asses are on the block, too….allowing the idiot boy to gut the constitution is an impeachable offense…and we will have the means to remove every damn one of you…