Okay…have been following the election a little closer that I should be but, with a chance to end the repub nightmare both in Michigan and across the country, it is really important to know what is going on. Here in Michigan, the polling is showing some good news for those of us who are tired of the repub scams and just want the chance for our state to work for everyone, not just corporations and the rich. All three proposals are ahead with more than double digit leads that I’m hoping will hold for two more days…but I am a little concerned that the DeVos’s are pouring huge amounts of money into defeating the redistricting and making it easier to vote proposals (numbers 2 and 3) that would make their money irrelevant, or make it less relevant and prevent them from buying the government like they have since at least 2010. The ads they are running are just full of lies and decry that it could cost the state 10 million dollars every 10 years to run the commission that would draw the new district lines…but, my response is that it is a cheap price to ensure that no political party can hijack our state again and implement policies like right to work that only a small sliver of the residents want. The governor’s race is still looking good for us with Whitmer up around 8 points or so in the latest aggregate of the polls done late last week and that looks good for us to get rid of Schuette permanently…any time we can make another trump lover go away it is a good day…and another good sign is that Schuette has cancelled ad buys this past week…ensuring that he at least walks away with cash when he loses….there is a possibility of picking up some seats both in the Michigan house and senate but there is not much polling out there to comment on so I won’t…let’s just say that with a dem governor, there will be a brake on any more repub shennanigans and we should be able survive until 2020 when we will take back the entire government here with the implementation of Prop2…it can’t come too soon….