Well…as I’ve written about before, the repubs these days are the biggest chickenshits there are in this country…scared of everything and their own shadows. They even take to making up dangers since they are either using that fear to scare the hell out of their chickenshit followers or they really get off on being scared themselves…probably a little of both. The latest bogeyman they are fixated on is a couple of hundred refugees from Honduras and other central American countries who are trying to save their lives by leaving their homes and trying to get to the US…walking hundreds of miles into the unknown because that is better than the situations they left behind. But, of course, the idiot trump and his minions are turning these refugees into a horde of killing machines that are part ISIS and part terminator to demonize them since they just hate brown people so much and they know that, even though it is all lies, de-humanizing people they hate works to motivate their base and was the key to trump stealing the election. So, what do we do about it folks? We Vote….we elect humans to office and throw these monsters out and put them back under the rocks where they lived until trump released them….and we work every day to fix our elections so that they can’t be hijacked by gerrymandering and voter suppression…only then can we put the 28% of people in this country who are repubs back to their place as the fringe shouters they should be…not ruining this country with their bullshit and lies…impeach….
Tag Archives: refugees
No Paris today…
Well…I was going to do one on the tragedy in Paris but what more can I say than it is one of the most evil things I have ever seen..and I’ve been around for a long time…one of the reactions that I see as a continuation of the fear based decision making of the repubs is that old Snyder has stopped the work being done for Michigan to take in some of these refugees….never mind that only one of the killers in Paris were from the refugee diaspora…that doesn’t matter to the repubs who are just scared shitless of everything…there was a good article out on Kos today that looks at the psychology of conservatives and it is not a pretty picture…worth reading, but not pretty….and with the repub candidates, you can see their bias showing through when ole Jeb! said that we should only help christian refugees….as if that would be any easier to prove than not being a terrorist….still shaking my head at all of this and I will expand on that tomorrow…but, right now…I am just going to get more ice water and watch some racing….
There are still good people in the southwest…
Well…after reading the stories of all of the hate directed at the refugees that have been coming across the southwest border of the US from some supposed “christians”, it was heartening to read an article a few minutes ago about the coalition of churches in Texas that have banded together to provide relief for these unfortunate people. That is what I grew up with in the UCC…although I’m an atheist now, I still appreciate the ideals that come from some of the teachings and it makes me feel good that there are still some good people in this country that don’t hate…that see the suffering of fellow human beings and feel compelled to do something about it….so I applaud these folks for living their religious principles….not many do anymore….
Another difference between them and us….
Well…with the refugee crisis that is occurring on our southern border where thousands of children fleeing almost certain death have crossed into the US, we can see another huge difference between the right and us….the right replied to the crisis by protesting and howling that these kids should be sent back to where they came from not caring that most of them will die if that happens and mistakenly picketing YMCA buses trying to prevent them from getting the care they need…all the while snarling that it’s not our responsibility to do anything for them…so, what was the response of us on the left to these children? Outpouring of aid and comfort and howling at the government for the appalling conditions these kids are being held in…a young Democrat group putting together a way through facebook to donate clothing and other necessities….once the word got out on Kos that we could help…Kos started it out with donating over 300 dollars and then the community kicked in with thousands more….and that continues now with hundreds of us doing our part to help these scared kids….so, we have the “christians” on the right ready to send them back to be killed while the atheists on the left see the problem as a humanitarian one and organize a way to help….that is just another difference between them and us…they profess to be caring christians but they’re not and they tar us as being godless socialists and we’re the ones that are looking for solutions that will save the lives of these kids….what kind of a person would allow kids to die for ideology? Geez….