Well….I guess it had to come to this..especially when the repubs have no new policies to help deal with a slow economy other than the tired “tax cuts for the rich” mantra they have been spouting for the past 10 plus years…so that leads ole Mitt to keep on lying to his base…starting with a speech to the NRA the other day where he claimed that Obama wants to “take away our guns” but couldn’t cite one instance where a new law was enacted under Obama that would even modify the current law of the land that is the second amendment…then he goes right in to the “explosion” in new “regulators” under Obama…citing the growth in federal government employment of almost 150K during the current administration…conveniently not mentioning that more than half of that growth was in the defense department as a consequence of the surge in Afghanistan…and another 40K of those jobs were in the veterans administration that directly go to the care of the soldiers that are coming back from 12 years of war. So, Mitt, you spout that you will do more to support the military and veterans and yet when Obama does it it is an “explosion” of regulators? You are just going to make this falls election too easy with your flip flopping and hard right turns….keep it up…the more you talk, the more people don’t want you around…geez…