Well…I am just laughing so hard at RNC chair, Reince Priebus…crying and whining about Democrats trying to “suppress” repub votes…and what are the dems doing to suppress these votes? Voter ID? Closing polling places? Sending “poll watchers” to intimidate minority voters? Shortening voting times? Nope, those are all repub methods that have been used in every state they control to ensure that the poor and minorities don’t vote…so what is ole Reince whining about? A dem groups plan to tell the truth about repub candidates and what effect their policies have on people…even the repubs that support them. All this to try to get people to stop voting against their own interests in electing repubs that do nothing but lie while running and then reward their masters after elected. Only in the repub world is telling the truth “voter suppression”….go ahead Reince…keep whining…geez…
Tag Archives: Reince Priebus
This guy runs the RNC?
Well…I am still laughing after reading about this one earlier in the afternoon and I wonder if all the people in the repub party are this stupid? If you haven’t heard the laughter yet, the head of the RNC…the guy with the just improbable name, came out today and called for an investigation since Harry Reid is using his Twitter account to attack the Koch brothers and the idiots on the right…and the reason he wants this investigation? The idiot called it “using his government paid for Twitter account for political purposes”….this idiot is so stupid or out of touch that he doesn’t know that Twitter accounts are free with sign up…no government or any other kind of payment so where is the scandal? There isn’t one…just like the rest of the fake scandals that have been perpetrated by the right….just a bunch of idiots who don’t want to govern…just try to score points…geez…