Tag Archives: repub healthcare plan

A health care turd…

Well…since I’m sitting here having my third cup of coffee, I thought I’d do a short comment on the repubs new “healthcare” plan that was introduced yesterday…I think turd really is the best descriptor for this piece of hatred directed at working people and the poor. How can covering 20 million fewer people and raising costs for everyone else be considered an improvement? Oh, okay, I get it…it is an improvement for the rich and for the insurance companies since the rich will get massive tax cuts (are you surprised? Is there nothing that the repubs think massive tax cuts for the rich won’t cure?) the poor lose Medicaid, and the insurance companies get to charge much, much more for the same coverage that people get now under the ACA. The contempt for the poor is evident in comments made by the idiot Jason Chaffetz when he said that the poor will have to decide between “healthcare or a new Iphone”…this from an idiot who has us pay for his healthcare…Jason, I have news for you… the $600 dollar cost of an Iphone doesn’t pay for anything when just getting a yearly checkup costs over $1500 dollars. They also rolled out the turdish idea of health savings accounts that would let people save money tax free for their healthcare…I hope you can see the flaw in this thinking…most of the people helped under the ACA barely make their payments as it is…where the hell are they going to come up with the thousands and thousands of dollars a year they would be on the hook for if the ACA goes away?  The sick thing about all of the repub plan is that they shout “freedom” to justify screwing over the entire country (except for the rich)…how much freedom do you have when you go bankrupt from uncovered medical bills? I just hate these guys….