Well…just read an opinion piece in USA today that has me pissed off that they would allow this right wing hack, Maureen Ferguson, to spew her right wing nonsense in a national paper. In the piece she goes on to essentially cheer for the defeat of a bill in congress that would enshrine women’s right to control their own bodies by federal law to take it out of the right wing supreme court hands…and she goes on to frame it as the women’s rights supporters not believing in democracy since they don’t want to allow the repub controlled states to codify their hate into law…hate of women, hate of minorities, and hate of the LGBT community and to restrict the rights of people they don’t like. She is living in the 19th century and using the same state’s rights arguments that were used to support slavery and ensuring that black people don’t have the right to vote…so I guess to this hack it is against democracy to try to protect everyone in the US…even those who live in states that have been rigged so the repubs control them and she is just fine with that rigging….again, this is the same bullshit argument that has been made since before the civil war…and it reeks of pushing her religion (catholicism) on everyone since she works for a catholic organization whose purpose is to outlaw abortion in this country….it is specifically because of people like ferguson why protections for all the groups she and her repub counterparts hate have been federalized…if we left it to the states she so reveres, slavery would still be a thing and women would still be property to be controlled by men….and minorities would still not have the right to vote…and she can’t deny that with the continuing efforts of her beloved repub party, that right is under attack in 2022….what a right wing hack….