Tag Archives: Rose Garden

It gets lower…

Well….you know, I knew that trump and his cronies are the most low class people who have ever infested the WH and more and more evidence continues to pile up about just how bad they are. Yesterday, trump held his social media “summit” at the WH and the trash who attended were the dregs of the right wing swamp who are so bad they have been thrown off most social media for being the racist assholes they are…and that showed through yesterday when the Rose Garden almost erupted into fist fights when Gorka verbally attacked a reporter as the rest of this sleazy group stood there and cheered…high class all the way. I really never thought anyone could go lower than what we have already seen from the sex assaulter in chief but I was wrong….every damn day it gets worse….very presidential….I wonder who was in fistfights when Obama was president? Impeach….