Well…I am sitting here trying not to let the destruction of our country get to me too much but some of it is bleeding through and it pisses me off…there is not one honest person on the right in this country and trump an his minions are destroying more and more of it every day and it should piss you off, too. The latest in trump’s ongoing effort to turn the US into a third world backwater has him taking personal charge of the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh and has put so many limits on it that they can’t even talk to Dr. Ford, who brought the allegations of attempted rape against Kavanaugh…oh, and they didn’t talk to Kavanaugh, either…or to any of the more than 20 witnesses that have come forward to corroborate Ford’s allegations…so who the hell are they talking to? Not to one damn person that could shed some light on how bad of a person Kavanaugh was and is…and how many times he has lied to move up the ladder in the courts….I am starting to think that even if we take back the house, there is too much damage already done for the US to survive it…and it is all the repubs fault…I have never seen such a cynical, amoral group of people in my long lifetime…and I just hate them….