Tag Archives: Shokin

Poor Devin stepped in it…

Well…as Devin Nunes did everything in his power to try to derail the impeachment hearings, reporting that came out Friday gave us part of the why…other than being a trump loving asshole, that is. In December of last year, ole Devie and three of his henchmen took a trip to Vienna to meet with, guess who? The disgraced former Ukrainian prosecutor, Shokin, who was thrown out of office for corruption…and guess what he was meeting Shokin for? Yep, to try to do trump’s bidding by looking for “dirt” on the Bidens, the server, and whether or not the moon is made of green cheese. This idiot spent 63K of taxpayers dollars to do it, and with that, he committed the same crime that the idiot trump did since ole Devie was part of the conspiracy that every other damn person in the trump crime family is guilty of….and reveals that his is dumber than a box of rocks and is just another repub who Putin is using to attack the US….like every damn on of them. Luckily, the dems are in control of congress for this ethics investigation and little Devie is not going to escape with a slap on the wrist this time…how about no more committee assignments where he protects trump? Oh, and the latest is that he is going to sue CNN for reporting on his crimes…just like is suing a cow for tweeting bad things about him…it ain’t going to end well, Devie….oh, one last thing…one of the Ukrainian “fixers” who were working for trump in his scandal has said that yep, Devie was there and he did talk to Shokin…twice…sue that Devie…