Well….read an interesting article in the post this morning about the small business tax cut that ole Eric is pushing as a way to create jobs and there is some math that I’d like to point out that makes the proposal just way too crazy to be taken seriously….the cost to the deficit of the cut would be almost 40 billion dollars a year…yep, that’s billion with a b….and it would create around 100K jobs in total…or even maybe up to 180K but I like to err on the low side….so, let’s divide the 40 billion by 100,000…and the math says that each one of these jobs would cost $400,000 dollars…so if each job costs $400K in avoided taxes, and the real cost to the small businesses is around $100K including pay and healthcare etc., that means that each business that adds even one job will make a profit of almost $300K per job added (and $300K into the owners pocket and another transfer of wealth to the 1%)….just another case of business welfare that the repubs are so fond of while tearing down the safety net for individuals. When are we, as a country, going to say enough of this nonsense? Geez…