Tag Archives: SNL

The toddler in chief is whining again…

Well…will someone on the right please go read the first amendment to the toddler in chief? I know I say this a lot but trump is dumber than a box of rocks…and he put that stupidity on full display this weekend when he went off on twitter attacking SNL for hurting his fee fees with a hilarious takedown of his delusional, just frickin nuts speech announcing the “national emergency” that his fevered brain created out of thin air so he can build his stupid wall along the Mexican border. If you haven’t seen the tweets, the gist is he is calling for “retribution” against SNL for pointing out how ridiculous idiot boy is, and this bullshit just shows he knows nothing of the oath he took to protect the Constitution, or the fact that the first amendment protects most speech from interference by the government….but, hey…that never stopped the moron before, his ignorance has been on display for long enough now that this is, sadly, just par for the course…yeah, did you get that one? Ha, ha….luckily we have less than two years to have to put up with trump’s bullshit…or maybe even less as the multiple investigations close in on the crime family he heads…oh, and by the way…Mueller has found that Roger Stone DID conspire with Wikileaks and the Russians…and that information came from the Russians who were indicted by Mueller, not only from American evidence…so who is the colluder now, Donnie boy? Impeach…