Well…here we go….the economy is in freefall with the reporting earlier today of 3.5 million people applying for unemployment and at least a million more gig workers or self employed people unemployed who can’t apply for benefits….to put this in perspective, at the worst of the 2008 crash, the highest monthly unemployment application count was 675,000…and economists are predicting that there could be 40 million out of work by the end of this mess…and guess what? It’s all frickin trump’s fault…every damn bit of this could have been avoided if the asshole in chief had not listened to fox news, limbaugh, and the rest of the right who pushed the lie that this virus was a hoax just meant to hurt the idiot in chief…and if he had the capacity to take anything seriously…which he does only when it has something to do with him and his inflated ego….and today, we have his toadies out in the news saying that he doesn’t have to do his job or care about NY because someone there called him a racist and doesn’t kiss his ass….and have been criticizing him for his inept, incompetent response to the pandemic. Hey Dinesh, you felon…take you addled brain back to when Obama was elected and your god trump started right off with the whole fake birth certificate bullshit and the entire repub party made it their mission to belittle him and one of your asshole congressmen even yelled “you lie” at Obama at SOTU…what did Obama do? got to work trying to save this country from the melt down and never once asked his aides what governor of what state said bad things about him so he could ignore them and let people die….all of this is trump’s fault…with the assist going to the rest of the repub party who had the chance to remove this criminal in December but all of them voted to let this incompetent, stupid, asshole stay in office…and now a million or more Americans are going to die because of it….and many more are going to be ruined financially because the bumbler in chief is so damn dumb and self centered….you own this, repubs….