Well…sitting here pretty bored with the rain keeping me off the bike so I thought I’d come here and do one on the change in the media I saw this morning….as usual when there is a new idiot trump scandal, his cronies flood the Sunday shows to lie and spin that what idiot boy said is not what he really said and how dare you listen to him anyway…but today, on a couple of news shows, the hosts pushed back on the lies and bullshit…even on fox news when Chris Wallace tore into Stephen Miller for lying to his face, and that followed “gym” Jordan getting schooled on CNN to not spread conspiracy theories and making sure everyone knew of Jordan’s role in the Ohio State sex abuse scandal. So, I see this as a little ray of hope that the media is getting over it’s addiction to trump and his cronies and is starting to seek the truth again…but, I’m not going to hold out too much hope that it will continue…but maybe, just maybe the media has had enough of trump and will finally hold him accountable…I can hope anyway…