Well…with the recent supreme court ruling that corporations can freely contribute to political campaigns, some of them have started to do just that…and with predictable results; they are donating to predominately repub candidates who they can rely on to favor businesses over the people. Target is one of those companies and I will not have profits that I have helped them make go to political causes and politicians who want to go back to the days of Bush..to the days when de-regulation of business led to the biggest meltdown since the great depression. We progressives need to become more aware of what is going on in our country and use both our political and economic power to make sure we don’t go backward, to make sure that the small steps in leveling the playing field that have happened in the last two years are not lost. So…I will never set foot in Target again and I hope that some of the rest of us will do the same….after all, profit and power is all they understand and it is up to us to take some of that profit and power away…