Well…damn, I can’t find the article where I read this earlier today so I’ll just have to wing it…as the title says, every respected mainstream economist predicted that “trade wars are easy to win” was one of the most boneheaded statements in the litany of boneheaded statements by the idiot in chief….the latest government assessment shows that idiot boy’s tariffs have resulted in just what good economists said it would…job losses in manufacturing and higher costs for basically everything for the American consumer…and this is compounded by the generational loss of agricultural markets across the world that have been destroyed by retaliation by the Chinese and their switch to south American markets for soybeans, corn, and other products. And now we have the moron in chief today opening his stupid hole to threaten even more tariffs that will do even more damage to the economy…but do we hear a peep from the repubs? Nope…and this truly shows the only people they give a damn about are the people who can write them million dollar checks for bribes…oh, I mean campaign contributions. I would say that I can’t believe how stupid these folks are on the economy but I have been watching the repubs do this stupid shit for decades now and they are never held to account…why would now be any different?