Well….just one thing about politics and then back to normal stuff…I’m sure you heard the cheeto asshole commented to people he was having dinner with “I’ve just made you guys a lot richer” so if you’ve bought into the lies that the tax cuts will benefit you and I, you are dumber than you look. Okay, just a few more comments on that….if you want to know who benefits, you just have to look at AT&T and their behavior…trying to crow that bonuses they were going to give out were a result of the cuts…but, the union representing those workers called foul on that lie…the bonuses had been negotiated months ago….long before the tax cuts happened…and here’s the kicker, the liars also announced, very quietly, that they are going to lay off over 1,000 workers…so, the other lie that the cuts will create jobs is just that…a blatant lie. Geez, I just hate these guys…impeach….