Well…watched a bit of ole Donald’s supposedly “pivot” speech where he was supposed to show that he could be “presidential” and came away just shaking my head…the whole thing sounded like a word salad that some 8 year old would say…no, that’s not being fair to 8 year olds….the entire thing was Hillary bad, Hillary crook, Hillary murder, Hillary liar, Hillary responsible for everything bad that has happened in the world since she was born. I laughed when the fact checkers at MSNBC just threw in the towel since the whole speech was one big conspiracy laden lie fest…no policy, no nothing but 45 minutes of supposed applause lines that weren’t even getting much applause. So, do I need to ever watch one of these again? Not really…unless I want to see what the bizzarro world inside the Donald’s head looks like…it’s not pretty…..geez…oh, and he does have really tiny hands with stubby little fingers…couldn’t stop looking at them….