Well…I thought I’d seen it all but I guess not…with the battle over immigration policy raging in DC and the do nothing repubs frothing at the mouth that Obama is going to do their jobs for them, the latest from the senator from crazy, Tom Coburn goes way over the top to overt incitement to terrorism. Today, ole Tom came out and said that “they’re going to go nuts (talking about his supporters)…you could see instances of anarchy…you could see violence” tacitly approving that these are tactics that are perfectly appropriate as a response to a political dispute…one of the repubs own making. If I was more of a conspiracy theorist, I might think that this has been the plan all along…to gin up some reason to get his crazy assed followers to use their “second amendment remedies” to destroy what this country is all about…that political disputes are to be solved peacefully; that the transfer of power after elections is done peacefully without the crap that these folks are pushing…since they hate the fact that government needs to work to make a country work….they are doing everything in their power to ensure that it won’t work and then when their inflammatory rhetoric results in violence, they will stand back and say “see, I told you Obama is going too far” and the people agree with us…no matter that they won this last election with 19% of the vote of the people. It just like the gangster from the movies that says “gee, nice country you got there…it would be a shame if anything happens to it…” Inciting people to violence for political ends is the definition of terrorism…you should be ashamed Coburn…geez…