Well…yeah, I’m late with this one today since I spent a lot of the afternoon pulling crab grass out of the front lawn and I had a lot of other little things to do…but, I’m here now and I have only one damn thing to say…the repubs can go to hell when they say they support or service men and women….the latest is that the big military funding bill which includes forcing the renaming of of army bases named after southern traitors is going to be vetoed by the dotard in chief if the renaming stays in it…he will stop pay raises for every damn military member just so he can polish up his white supremacist bonifides and protect the traitors who tried to kill this country for slavery…god, I wish he cared as much about all of the people who have died and continue to die from the cornavirus…but that takes work and we know he doesn’t even know how to work….and he still believes the virus is a hoax…even though he gets tested 5 times a day for it. So, if I’m Nancy Pelosi, I let the moron veto it….there is no world other than his cult that will think this is a good thing…and then I’d just sit back and let the ads write themselves….I have a title: “traitors are more important to trump than our brave soldiers” or “trump hates our military” or “trump takes food out of the mouths of our soldiers” see, it’s not too hard…cripes I came up with those just sitting here writing…so, get on it dems…hang tough with the failure in chief…he’ll fold like a cheap suit….