Well…with the damage that the trump cultists are doing to both the country and themselves, my question is “can’t they look ahead and see the consequences of their actions on their futures?” Right now Moscow Mitch and the rest of the cult are reveling in the fact that they can still protect idiot boy from paying for his actions…but what happens after the next election? What happens when all of this bullshit from the repubs causes them to lose the next election and the dems control the entire government? Hey, Bill Barr, you’d better start looking for a country with no extradition treaty because, unlike Obama did with the Bush criminals, there is going to be a reckoning for your using the justice department as trump’s protection racket and for your continued perjury along with your role in the Ukraine extortion. That goes for Mulvaney, Pompeo, and the rest of this criminal enterprise…I know those of us in the reality based world will make it our jobs to ensure that the law will mean something again…that everyone has to obey the law or suffer the consequences…no more protection for a president from indictment while he’s in office…and every damn ICE office who has mistreated people looking for asylum better start looking for legal representation because they will be investigated and charged with their crimes….and every damn private prison will be shut down and investigated as well….the crimes they are committing on a daily basis for profit will be exposed for what they are…just another way to hate brown people while the repubs stand there, cheer, and allow them to make billions on the suffering of immigrants. I have asked the question before “can these people really be that stupid?” and the only answer given their behavior of the past two decades is Yup…they are all too damn dumb to see father than the next rigged votes in the senate…there is going to be hell to pay…