Well…with the damage that the trump cultists are doing to both the country and themselves, my question is “can’t they look ahead and see the consequences of their actions on their futures?” Right now Moscow Mitch and the rest of the cult are reveling in the fact that they can still protect idiot boy from paying for his actions…but what happens after the next election? What happens when all of this bullshit from the repubs causes them to lose the next election and the dems control the entire government? Hey, Bill Barr, you’d better start looking for a country with no extradition treaty because, unlike Obama did with the Bush criminals, there is going to be a reckoning for your using the justice department as trump’s protection racket and for your continued perjury along with your role in the Ukraine extortion. That goes for Mulvaney, Pompeo, and the rest of this criminal enterprise…I know those of us in the reality based world will make it our jobs to ensure that the law will mean something again…that everyone has to obey the law or suffer the consequences…no more protection for a president from indictment while he’s in office…and every damn ICE office who has mistreated people looking for asylum better start looking for legal representation because they will be investigated and charged with their crimes….and every damn private prison will be shut down and investigated as well….the crimes they are committing on a daily basis for profit will be exposed for what they are…just another way to hate brown people while the repubs stand there, cheer, and allow them to make billions on the suffering of immigrants. I have asked the question before “can these people really be that stupid?” and the only answer given their behavior of the past two decades is Yup…they are all too damn dumb to see father than the next rigged votes in the senate…there is going to be hell to pay…
Tag Archives: ice
The banal face of evil…
Well…as every damn day goes by, trump and his evil cronies continue to torture children in…let’s say it…concentration camps on our southern border in direct violation of both US law and international treaties. If you haven’t seen it, you need to see the attorney for trump’s US arguing in front of an appeals court that the jailed children don’t need to be provided soap, toothbrushes, beds, blankets, or adequate food…arguing that having children sleep on concrete floors under bright lights is “safe and sanitary” and that the US is not obligated to do any more since they contend they are here “illegally” when asylum seeks are protected by law after presenting themselves at the border. This is the banal face of evil that trump and his cronies present every day while they rip children from their parents at the border and then try to justify keeping them in sub-human conditions…and, in this case the evil doer is named Sarah Fabian….I wonder how she goes home to her own kids when she is part of the torture machine that trump and ICE has built whose only purpose is that torture of “brown” people who the repubs and the right just hate because they are brown. For a little context here, even prisoners of war are guaranteed all of the basics of self care…food, water, hot showers, soap, clean towels, beds…that trump is trying to justify withholding from these children. These people are just evil…and if I were them, I’d be planning on never leaving this country again or they are going to have to answer for their crimes against humanity in the Hague….and even though I don’t believe in hell…if it did exist, there would be a special place in the lakes of fire for everyone who does this to children….
Boycott Motel 6
Well…just read a little article that reported that Motel 6 is working with the ICE gestapo to help them deport undocumented workers in Arizona. Yep, every morning, the managers at Motel 6 e-mail ICE the list of the people who are staying at their cheezy little motels and then ICE shows up to interrogate and arrest anyone with a hispanic sounding name….now, this is all being done without any warrants or any oversight by any government agency…it’s just the gestapo of ICE breaking the law with the help of this corporation. We need to call for and boycott all Motel 6′s in this country until they stop this illegal action…after all, would you want the government to know where you are staying when you travel? Boycott…
Serves them right….
Well…there is a bit of delicious irony going on in the farm states around this country and all I can say is it serves them right…okay, buried the lede here but I’ve been reading about the shortage of farm labor that is leaving food rotting in the fields…and I wonder why there is a shortage? Could it be the racist asshole in the White House and his ICE gestapo? The delicious part of this is that rural/farm areas went overwhelmingly for the idiot….and these people that are now whining probably voted for trump. So, morons….elections have consequences and now maybe you can get over your dem hate and use your minds to stop voting for repubs up and down the ballot…they don’t give a damn about you and never have….I really don’t want to wish ill on anyone, but damn, this is what happens when you elect an idiot….
Jack booted thugs….
Well…the only way to describe what is going on in this country with immigration is to highlight the immorality of it all…these supposed “christians” who elected the fraud who is in the white house has unleashed his jack booted thugs on people whose only crimes were wanting a better life and coming here to do the jobs that no one else will do. The idiot trump thinks that deporting 11 million people will mean that there will be 11 million more jobs for “real Americans”, but he is so ignorant that he doesn’t realize that the same thing was tried in Alabama a few years back….and the only result was that 60% of the crops there rotted in the fields and a lot of farmers went broke. The idiot was on tv today saying that his deportation force was ridding the country of “bad dudes”, drug dealers, and gang members…but, as we all know, trump lies all the time and the truth is that many of the people their dragnet has rounded up are just people trying to get a better life by coming here…like the woman who was hospitalized for treatment for a brain tumor and the jack booted thugs of the ICE came into her hospital room, shackled her and took her to a detention center…where she was cut off from her doctors and lawyers….I think trump should be sued by these detainees under the 14th amendment that states that due process is available to everyone in the US, not just citizens…and that can’t happen too soon….
I understand this one….
Well…just reading an article that, in the weird way my head works, brought to light other small articles and congealed into something I want to talk about. I know, still burying the lead in some of these but this isn’t a newspaper and those rules don’t apply here….and, how long does it take to read a couple of sentences? So, on to the subject….the whole thing was started by an article about a guy who couldn’t figure out how to get the security to work on a new wireless router, gave up, and left the thing running overnight. Later that night, a pedophile neighbor logged on to his router and downloaded millions of child porn pictures. Of course, the police and their captive judges don’t really need probable cause anymore and issued a warrant for the guy whose only crime was that he couldn’t figure out a wireless router. But that’s not the worst part…the FBI, ICE, and local police then had to form up a swat team that kicked in his door, threw him down some stairs and held him at gunpoint until they took him in to be charged, tearing up the house and confiscating all of the electronics in the house; many of those belonged to his wife. The question I want to ask is “when did every police action in the US become one that these thugs have to abuse American citizens? What is wrong with a couple of detectives just walking up to the door, knocking politely, and asking if they can talk? What, in this man’s history, would make them think he was violent? The answer to that one is nothing….that’s right, never in trouble, no violence, no nothing. and, if the police would have done the very simple job of checking out the username that was involved…they would have seen that it was not him…but that doesn’t matter to the thugs that infest our police today.
There are too many stories like this in our country today…that the citizens are more scared of the police and government than they are of terrorists….if that is the case, then who are the terrorists? And, to those that always come back with the tired old saw “if you aren’t doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear”…..that’s just not true anymore….if this man would have defended his home and his family, he would be dead…dead for an unprotected wireless router…is that what we’ve come to in this country?