Tag Archives: jack booted thugs

Jack booted thugs….

Well…the only way to describe what is going on in this country with immigration is to highlight the immorality of it all…these supposed “christians” who elected the fraud who is in the white house has unleashed his jack booted thugs on people whose only crimes were wanting a better life and coming here to do the jobs that no one else will do. The idiot trump thinks that deporting 11 million people will mean that there will be 11 million more jobs for “real Americans”, but he is so ignorant that he doesn’t realize that the same thing was tried in Alabama a few years back….and the only result was that 60% of the crops there rotted in the fields and a lot of farmers went broke. The idiot was on tv today saying that his deportation force was ridding the country of “bad dudes”, drug dealers, and gang members…but, as we all know, trump lies all the time and the truth is that many of the people their dragnet has rounded up are just people trying to get a better life by coming here…like the woman who was hospitalized for treatment for a brain tumor and the jack booted thugs of the ICE came into her hospital room, shackled her and took her to a detention center…where she was cut off from her doctors and lawyers….I think trump should be sued by these detainees under the 14th amendment that states that due process is available to everyone in the US, not just citizens…and that can’t happen too soon….