Well…there are a bunch of memes going round out there about the polar vortex cold we’ve been having in the midwest over the past week or so and a lot of them show Lake Michigan freezing in one frame and then scenes from “the Day After Tomorrow” disaster film where the oceans freeze in the other…and they invariable try to use the cold weather as proof that climate change isn’t happening…and this crap is an ignorant right wing staple that starts with the idiot trump and winds it’s way through fox news and into the quite stupid trump followers. Hey, stupid people…weather is not climate…they are not the same thing and if you think climate change is not happening, give someone in Australia a call…and ask them about how hot it is this winter down under…..every damn record for high temps has been broken this winter all across Australia and most people there understand that this is not just weather that will change, as ours is here…when it is going to be 50 degrees with thunderstorms Monday…but it is long term, human caused climate change that will make a lot of Australia uninhabitable. Yes, it has been cold here…but any one weather event is just that…weather…which can be affected by climate change but no one that understands science would ever base conclusions on a sample size of one…something the science deniers on the right always do…just dumber than a box of rocks…geez…