Well…damn, I am so tired of having to get moving every morning and one of these days I’m not going to do it…yeah, I know I say that all the time but darn, when does a 71 year old get a rest? Not today since I have the rides to do, a run over to DD to get 45 ounces of coffee for 6 bucks and then over to HF to get batteries since they are cheaper than on amazon…I wonder if I should hit Ollie’s to check for cheap t-shirts with them right next door to HF? Then I have ham soup to make at some point today but I don’t have that planned out yet and that leaves a bit of uncertainty that I don’t like…I do need to get my running done before the snow starts…not much of it but I washed the car yesterday and don’t want to get it salty again…slept okay last night and I think I’ve resolved to start taking my allergy meds again since I can’t get my BP down by not taking them and I’ve been miserable with sinus headaches since I stopped them a few weeks ago….only have 20 minutes before I need to get on the bike to get the day started and need to pour another cup of coffee down before that…I forgot to do the weight work yesterday so I’ll have to carve out time for two today…going to be a lot of veggie chopping for the soup and I’m going to try different beans in this batch just for the hell of it…more later…
All posts by James DeVol
Vote no on everything…
Well…look, with the idiot taking over the government, we need to begin to build a resistance to the chaos that is coming…and that resistance starts with no cooperation at all with anything the idiot wants…vote no on every judge, cabinet pick, every bill…everything…don’t normalize the criminal in chief by working with his administration on anything…make them carry the weight for all the bad ideas they are trying to pass and don’t give them the cover of “bipartisanship”….make them pay for every bad idea and hang it around their necks every day in press conferences…this is a guerrilla war and we dems have to fight it…we know that the idiot’s first administration cost the lives of over half a million people and is considered the worst in history by every historian except the lying right wing hacks…so, we need to fight every day and I’ll do my little part by writing about it every day…the idiot’s last term took years off my life and this one will too…but we all need to do our part to limit the damage this asshole is going to do…geez…
Yow! spent 91 bucks on prime…
Well…with the free trial of amazon prime quickly getting to cancellation time, I thought I’d use it to get some things I wanted…and spent 91 bucks to do it…I did buy a coffee grinder and beans, a 50 ft lightweight hose that I can run up from the basement to wash the bike in the winter, a set of Fiskars shrub shears to replace the broken harbor freight ones…some weights and new shower curtain hooks…and I even forgot some things that I’ll get next week…mot of it will be here Thurs but some of it is going to take longer and that’s okay…the stuff I wanted quickly is getting here fast so I can have good coffee Friday…a lot to spend but things I really wanted and can afford…especially the shower curtain rings to replace the hooks that keep falling off the bar…okay, need to find a political one to do…
December 17th
Well…darn…I need to get moving right now with doing the grocery run today and getting three rides in…so that means I need to do one before I head out so that gives me 15 minutes to have coffee before I head downstairs…the bread I made yesterday came out really good…light and tasty so I can start refining the method of using my casserole dish or maybe using my bread pan next time…I think I’ll add extra yeast to get more rise next time…and I need to wash the car at the car wash this morning so the two extra rides will wait til the afternoon…one of these mornings, I’m not going to get on the bike and rush through the day but I am so afraid of gaining weight that it probably won’t happen soon…damn, have 5 minutes before I have to get going so this is going to be a short one…feel pretty lousy this morning and I’m just so worn out that I could go back to bed and start a lot later but the habit of moving is too strong…only have one cup of coffee in me and the second is going to wait til after the grocery run…ick…more later…
Making bread…
Well…sitting here a little bored today so I decided to try to make a loaf of bread today but I only followed the recipe to a point…instead of using a cast iron crock pot, which I have, I mixed up the dough and then just poured it into my buttered 2 quart heavy glass casserole dish, put the lid on it, and set my air fryer to proof to get it to rise and then I’m going to just bake it in that dish after the dough rises…if that works, I’ll be making a lot of bread and not buying any anymore…even had some bread flour to use…it will be interesting to see if it works at all…I guess we’ll see…
Busy until now..
Well…it’s been a busy morning until now and I’m happy to report I may be getting my sense of taste back a bit after switching to a simple toothpaste from the anti plaque one that I was using…I could taste the turkey soup I had for lunch when a few day ago when I made this batch I couldn’t…so that gives me some hope that it will continue to come back…I did get three rides in this morning and it felt okay and then got to three of these and a post out to Mastodon…and I don’t have to cook today with making the ham yesterday…I am going to make ham soup later in the week and I may even try my hand at baking some bread but I’ll have to learn how to knead it if I want it to rise at all and not be the flat, hard loaves that I normally make with the no knead method…still have to do the weight work this aft and look for bread recipes…and I want to get some reading time in…
It’s already started…
Well…how the hell does a minority of people get to lord their beliefs over the whole country? Attacks on abortion rights in blue states have already begun by red states, specifically Texas suing doctors in blue states for providing reproductive care to Texas residents…and they know that disputes between the states go directly to the SC where the right wing hacks there are just salivating being able to overturn the constitutional protections in states like Michigan that were passed by ballot initiative and enshrined in the constitution…and that is part of a pattern of ignoring the constitution and just doing whatever they want since they have loaded the courts with right wing hacks that will rule by politics instead of the law…starting with the idiot in chief who just yesterday said he will end birthright citizenship “on day one” ignoring the fact that it is written into the 14 amendment that has been upheld numerous times by the SC…and idiot boy said he will do that by executive order and if we had real courts, the EO would be laughed out of court before the ink was dry…so now, all you women trump voters, how do you feel that your rights will be taken away from you in January? Yeah, you’re probably to racist and stupid to think about that…geez…
December 16th
Well…darn, another fitful night of sleep but an okay one with my week on no cocktails starting…just curious to see if cocktails are the major cause of my high BP but I’m not sure if just a week will make any difference but I guess we’ll see…got back on the bike for 24 miles yesterday and will do that for the rest of the year to see how many over 10K I can get in before the end of the year…it’s going to be above freezing until Saturday so the snow will be gone…and then into the twenties for two days and then a week above freezing to end up the year…then only two more months of winter to endure…I did check the coolant in the car while the ham was cooking yesterday an it was only down a half pint or so in a month so I can cripple it along until I buy a new car…and that is going to be my project for the winter…find one and buy one…and I really do need to paint the dining room and all the trim and just need to start and live in dust for a month as I fill and sand the windows and trim…not much to do today…just the rides to start things off and then I’ll figure out the rest of the day…I am going to make the first batch of ham soup Wed or Thur using the old ham bones…sure hope I can taste it….more later….
Calorie math…
Well…just did a little math on the amount of calories I burned this year so far on the bike for the 10,032 miles I’ve done…assuming 600 calories burned for every 15 miles, which may be a little low, I burned 401,440 calories…and that converts to keeping 133.81 pounds off by riding…so now you know why I keep torturing myself by riding so much..
Dinner is started…
Well…have two rides in this morning and have the BAH on the grill, the potatoes peeled, and the trash put out…now it’s time to enjoy my last cup of coffee for the day as I wait for Man U to play at 11:30…the Lions don’t play until 4:25 so I think I’ll go back down for a third ride today so I won’t feel guilty about having two meals today…the second one is only going to be a bowl of soup so I don’t think that’s too much….it is nice to have a second and third streaming service to use downstairs on the tablet since I added netflix and got pluto working to go with freevee since I was running out of things to watch….I do need to clean the kitchen some today after I get done with the big meal for lunch but that will wait until after the third ride…I do need to figure out the goals for riding next year but it hasn’t even entered my head yet…just need to relax a bit for the next couple of weeks…I wonder if I could do two years in a row of riding every day? Or maybe do my normal riding but do 10 100+ mile days? I’ve got a couple of weeks to think about it so no big hurry….more later….