Category Archives: Politics

He really does stink…

Well…the idiot trump in the courtroom is too damn funny to start with as the potential jurors laid into him and told him the truth about what non maga people think of him…and he has to sit there and listen to it under penalty of contempt of court if he makes faces, comments, and generally tries to disrupt the courtroom…and do you remember the stories from a couple of months ago that quoted a bunch of people who have been around him that he has a bad smell to him all the time…and that was confirmed yesterday when it was reported that his lawyers commented that he farts almost constantly and the smell is eye watering…and those guys have to sit next to him the entire time…so now I guess trump stinks both figuratively and literally…I sill think he’s going to have a stroke bottling up all his rage when he is chastised by the judge for his antics…and we have at least three more weeks before he is convicted…geez…

It’s about time…

Well…after the repubs held up aid to Ukraine for months on the orders of putin, it appears that the foreign aid bills that the hard right repubs have been holding up is going to get a vote tomorrow with the vote on advancing the bills to the floor passed today 316 to 94…and guess who did it…of course, the dems and the 94 who voted against the aid of course are repubs who want Ukraine to lose the war since their buddy putin wants it…if the hard right assholes get their way, this will be the last act of speaker Johnson since they vowed to remove him if he worked with dems to pass the bill…one thing you have to remember is that anything that Johnson has accomplished only happened because the dems did their jobs and compromised with the repubs…now we hold our breath to get through the floor vote tomorrow and get the aid to Ukraine that it needs to push the Russians back across the border…geez…

Tax time and no drama…

Well…it’s that time of year again where most people in this country have to file their taxes…and guess who just released their tax returns? Yep, President Biden and VP Harris…completely transparent…no lies about “being under audit”…no subpoenas, no leaks to the NYT, no bullshit…just two honest people doing their duty to give people the information on their finances they need to make a proper decision this fall…and you won’t find any Cayman Islands accounts or any shell companies…and we all know why the idiot boy is not going to release his…they are full of fraud and idiot boy has already been convicted of fraud for lying in his returns…after this trial, we all know anything in it is going to be a lie so what’s the point…I know this is going to come up in an ad soon…and Joe has been putting out some good ones…get on it guys…

Cheating as always…

Well…if there is election cheating going on, you know it will be repubs doing it…and now their latest scheme in states with repub AGs is to keep Biden off the ballot in their states because the dem nominating convention is after the August 7th deadline in Ohio…now in 2020 when both the dem and repub conventions were after the deadline, so the repubs worked with the dems to pass legislation that would get around the date….but this time, since the repub convention will be before the deadline, the AG and the repub party has said they won’t change the law again and biden can’t be on the ballot…and they are pulling this same crap in Alabama and other red states…so you know…cheating…since they can’t win with a loser like the idiot trump at the top of the ticket…now, I think the DNC should convene a special early convention an just nominate Biden right now sine he has won every primary by a huge margin and slap the dam repubs in the face…geez…

He’s no longer in control..

Well…I’ll bet it’s eating the idiot trump up that he is no longer in control of his life…and no whining, scowling, or sleeping in court is going to change that…and yes, he fell asleep in court again today…and the judge told him that he WILL be in court for the contempt hearing tomorrow…and with all of the trials stacked up against him…I’ll bet he has a frickin stroke before this trial ends…it’s well known that idiot boy uses adderall to stay awake all night when he is on his losing truth social…and this has to be a shock to his system after getting away with crimes his entire life and now he has to sit there where and when the judge tells him and only talk when he is allowed to…damn, this is delicious…I think I may have to go out to Kos and read some about the trial….geez…

Ha, Ha, Ha…”sleepy Joe”

Well…I just laughed my butt off after reading reports on the idiot’s first trial in NYC…you remember the slur that the idiot trump continually uses at his fascist rallies, don’t you? The “sleepy Joe Biden” bullshit? That is why I laughed so hard when I read that idiot boy fell asleep just an hour into his trial today…how the hell do you do that when you’re sitting there under the weight of over 30 felonies? Oh, and the other thing that made me laugh is that idiot boy’s lawyers have been given 4 days to put together an argument for why trump shouldn’t be jailed for contempt for violating the gag order he is under when he then attacked court personnel and the daughter of the judge over the weekend…and the judge basically told trump that there will be no “antics” in the courtroom or idiot boy will be jailed…damn, I would have loved to see the look on idiot boy’s face when that happened…I’ll bet he’ll have a stroke before the trial is over…geez…

Happy first trial eve!

Well…for all of us who celebrate, happy first trial eve! Tomorrow starts the process of finally holding the idiot trump liable for his crimes and it was too long a wait for me…and idiot boy has thrown everything at delaying it…you know, you would think if you’re not guilty, you’d want a speedy trial but nope…the idiot filed 4 delays just last week and every one of them was swatted away by the appeals court and the judge in the case…we know from the evidence that trump is cooked since cohen did 3 years on the same charges and I would hope that is the minimum that idiot boy gets…and he should get more since cohen didn’t falsify records like trump did…so for conviction on 4 felonies he should get a minimum of 10 years…I can’t wait for later tonight when the idiot will post a hundred screeds attacking everyone and everything since his personality disorders won’t let him stay silent…and he could end up in jail from that…we can only hope…geez…

Common Cause nails it…

Well…there is a diary up on Kos this morning describing an amicus brief filed by the non-partisan group Common Cause dealing with the idiot trump’s efforts to delay his trial on his criminal attempt to overthrow the government on January 6th and it tears into the SC for putting their thumb on the scale of justice by slow walking their review of the unanimous decision by the DC appeals court that there is no such thing as “absolute immunity” for a president to commit crimes while in office…and they go on to blast the court for doing their best to help idiot boy to get re elected by the delays they have put inĀ  the schedule so the decision and trial don’t happen until after the election…but that’s only one of the trials that could hinge on this decision…in effect the SC could create new law that allows only trump to have immunity since they have tortured the law to give the repubs whatever they want and they have no ethics at all to constrain them…this is the most corrupt court in my long life and I have no faith they will do the right thing here…so folk, get out and vote for the good guys this fall so we can dismantle the most corrupt court in history…geez…

Fingers crossed…

Well…as every attempt to delay the idiot boys Monday trial have been swatted aside over the past couple of weeks, I sit here with my fingers crossed that his lawyers keep up the incompetency and the trial goes forward with jury selection Monday…I’m still laughing at the claims of “absolute immunity” and the idiot howling that if he doesn’t get immunity, every president can be charged with crimes…yeah, no…you actually have to commit crimes for that to happen and there were 45 other presidents that didn’t…and the idiot has to be there for the trial where he is charged with 33 felonies of committing business fraud to pay hush money before the 2016 election…from what I’ve read, they have him for these crimes and Michael Cohen was already put in prison for the same crimes so a conviction should be easy…but I don’t have a lot of confidence that he is going to get jail time for any conviction…as always he will appeal all the way to the SC and his toadies on the court just might let him off…not for any problem with the trial…they will make up law to protect him as they made up law to overturn Roe and allow corporate money to buy elections with Citizens United…it will still be interesting to watch and know he is a convict…and polling has said that people think these crimes are serious and even 10% of repubs say they won’t vote for him if he is convicted…we can only hope…geez…

They caught the car…

Well…it would be funny if it wasn’t so sick to see the repubs now start running away from abortion bans as they start to get what they wanted…after the fall of Roe, overturned by the lying right wing SC, they have been writing more and more draconion abortion bans across the red states..along with court opinions with the latest being the upholding of an 1865 law by the SC in Arizona that banned abortion and was written by one man, a misogynist asshole that serially abandoned 5 wives…I guess he would fit right in with the modern repubs…the sick thing is that the repubs are saying striking down roe didn’t matter since the states would protect women…tell that to women in red states who are dying because they can’t get necessary health care…and the hypocrite repubs are now decrying the Arizona decision, not for the reason that they believe women have any rights, but because they know that restriction of women’s rights is a political loser and will cost them in the fall election…and the cool thing is the Joe Biden is already pounding the repubs with ads targeting their hypocrisy and the danger of letting repubs get back into power…that is something I have been saying for a long time…that Joe need to hit the repubs and hard…and they got the message and have 130 million dollars in ad buys reserved while the idiot trump’s campaign has zero…keep it going, Joe…geez…