Category Archives: Politics

The hammer comes down in Michigan…

Well…across this country, the idiot trump’s minions tried to seize and break into voting machines to try to find evidence of “voter fraud” that would “prove” the election had been stolen…and there were lots of people involved in the swing states like Georgia and Michigan…and today, following the indictments of the fake electors a couple of weeks ago here, the first of the people who tried to steal and break into voting machines was indicted…Stephanie Lambert, one of trump’s cronies, was indicted for her part in the scheme that included almost all of the higher ups in the repub party here in Michigan…so she is just the first of many who will feel the weight of a justice system doing what it is supposed to do…bring criminals to justice and these criminals are the wort kind, those who would try to destroy this country just to protect the worst person in the world and their own person power…man, I can’t wait to see who is on the indictment list…probably the head of the party and some legislators, too…get the popcorn ready….

It just may be indictment day…

Well…idiot boy’s lawyers met with Jack Smith’s team yesterday and that last time that happened, indictments came down the next day…or idiot boy announced he had been indicted and the detail was announced by Smith’s team a week later…and the pundits are saying this indictment is going to be for the January 6th case with a possibility of 200 or more charges…and it that is the case, he needs to be locked up until trial like any other criminal would be….should I be ashamed of myself for rooting for this asshole to go down? Nope, not at all with all of the damage he has done…releasing the maga hordes to attack the country and keep him in office like a dictator…. and that movement will be killed if we take out the top traitor…so we need to do that now before pours even more poison into our country…geez…

Elections matter, folks…

Well…I still seeing the bullshit all over the internet on the sites that I visit that “both parties are the same”, or “my vote doesn’t matter”….and I wonder if people haven’t looked at the miracle of Michigan where voters put in place the non-partisan election district committee who drew much fairer districts here…and those districts gave the dems total control of the Michigan government for the first time since the 1980′s…and you know what they didn’t do with that control? Tax cuts for the rich and corporations…how about two meals a day for every schoolchild? How about the passing of the initiative that enshrined women’s rights in the state constitution…and protections for the LGBTQ community? That wouldn’t have happened without the dems dragging their butts outĀ  off the comfy couch or filling in their ballots and mailing them in….both now protected because we dems turned out and voted to make it easier to participate in our government while every red state voted to make it hard for minorities and college students to vote….so don’t give that crap…voters turning out gave control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court to the liberals in the state where it will now serve as a check on the repub controlled legislature…so don’t make excuses…vote!

Way to go, Michigan voters…

Well…I marvel at what has happened here in Michigan since we elected a dem administration across the board here…just yesterday our AG Dana Nessel announced indictments of all of the people who signed on as fake electors as part of the idiot trump’s scheme…and boy are these folks going to pay…every one of them has been charged with multiple 14 year felonies and a couple of 5 year felonies just for good measure…so what that means is that when they are convicted…and they will be…they have the possibility of never getting out of jail and that is exactly what these traitors deserve….this is what happens to everyone who has anything to do with idiot boy and you would think that at least some of them would have figured that out and bailed instead of doubling down…but no, these are not the brightest people if they thought trump was a worthwhile person to follow…now we just need every other AG in every state they pulled this crap to do the same to make sure everyone in this country knows there is a price to be paid for being a traitor….geez…

More indictments coming…

Well…the normal meltdown from the idiot trump is happening again with his receipt of a “target” letter from Jack Smith pertaining to the January 6th investigation…I wonder how many others have gotten those letters? It has to be Rudi and meadows, but I haven’t seen anything else about it yet today…the next question is going to be who flipped on idiot boy? We know that meadows has gotten a cooperation agreement with Smith and it will be interesting to find out how many more of these criminals are flipping on trump…who in their right mind would be loyal to the person who singlehandedly ruined their lives? Yeah, these are not the brightest people in the world so who knows what they would do? All I know is I can’t wait for the next perp walk of the idiot…they should hold him in jail this time without bond since these charges are going to be that serious…geez…

Let’s think about this differently..

Well…with labor finally getting it’s act together and going out on strike for a bigger share of profit that comes from their labor, we need to talk about this differently…the headlines read like “UPS strike will cost the economy billions”…when it should be “the greed of UPS management is causing the economy to lose billions” or “the writers and actors strike is going to shut down Hollywood” when it should be “the greed of the production companies is going to shut down Hollywood” ,,,you get the idea…when the cost of paying the actors and writers what they are asking for and what they deserve, it would only cost around 600 million dollars a year while the production companies made over 30 billion dollars last year on the backs of this labor…and one of the largest sticking points is the fact that the production companies are proposing that they can scan the image of any actor and own it and use it forever for a one time hourly fee…and scale would be about 500 bucks while the production companies could use that image to make unlimited movies and unlimited millions…we need to support these strikers in any way we can…after all, the workers at Amazon who are going to go out on strike have made Jeff Bezos the richest man in the world…shouldn’t the workers get good working conditions and a cut of that hundreds of billions they have made for Bezos? It only seems fair…geez…

Why all the hand wringing?

Well…with all of the negative commentary about the US supplying cluster munitions to Ukraine, I wonder why all the hand wringing? I know that more than 100 countries have signed a treaty to not use them but the US, Ukraine, and Russia haven’t….and the biggest point they try to make is how dangerous unexploded bomblets are to civilians…and that is a good point with what we know about the damage these things do after the wars are over and not all of them are cleaned up…but to me the point is that Russia has already used over 100,000 of these shells all over Ukraine and the Russian dud rate is more than 30% compared to 1.5% for American munitions…and here’s another point…the US has more than 5 million of these shells of various types and Ukraine is running short of regular artillery shells and being able to use these cluster munitions will get rid of that shortage and give them the tools to attack the trenches that Russian has built all over Ukraine…Ukraine is the country that is going to deal with the cleanup after they push Russia out so the ultimate decision should be up to them…and we should give them everything they need since they are doing the worlds work in beating Russia…and crippling Russia will do great things for the world’s future…so let’s help them…

They planned deaths from covid…

Well…as I’ve talked about before, during the start of the covid pandemic (which is still going on) when the idiot trump could have done something to save lives, initial data showed that black and brown people were doing most of the dying from covid…and most of them were in blue states so the idiot made the calculation that he could motivate his white naziĀ  base by making sure they knew that covid was essentially attacking the people they hated anyway and the push to get people back to work were the people in the service industries which are disproportionately staffed by black and brown people…and the latest studies that have been done show that over 500,000 extra people have died because of a political calculation that idiot boy made that he thought that letting these people die would help him get re-elected…no other reason…just the selfish bullshit he’s pulled his entire life where no one matters but him…this should be enough to put him in jail for the rest of his life…but it won’t and that is what’s wrong with this country…geez…

OTC birth control…

Well…in a blow to the right wing misogynists who are doing everything they can to control women and prevent them from controlling their own bodies, the FDA has approved the first OTC birth control for women meaning no expense of going to the doctor and no records of it’s use that the fascist repubs are trying to use to hurt women in red states…now, we know that there is going to be pushback from right wing pharmacy owners who think just because they own the company it gives them the right to screw with any woman they want to…and that goes for the pharmacists who will make sure the stores don’t stock the medicine or will do whatever they can to make it as uncomfortable for women as they can. At least the Biden admin is trying to use the power of government to help people instead of hurt them as the asshole trump and his cronies still are doing…just look at the rulings coming out of the SC lately…and Biden needs to keep it up to try to protect women in red states that can’t get the hell out of dodge and move to a blue state that protects women’s rights….keep it up, Joe…geez….

But wait, there’s more…

Well…I’m sure you’ve seen and I’ve talked about the almost comically corrupt Clarence Thomas on the supreme court who has been taking millions of dollars in gifts from people who have cases in front of the court…and since there are no rules that apply to him, he hasn’t recused himself from any of those cases and the donors are sure getting what they paid for in rulings…but it has been revealed just today that it hasn’t been just gifts of trips, travel, and vacations…but just raw cash that has been paid to his aide’s Venmo account that I’m sure ended up in Thomas’s pocket….how much more corrupt does he have to be for even one damn repub to call for his resignation? Yeah…he would have to shoot someone and then they still wouldn’t do a damn thing about it…at least Dick Durbin is introducing a bill that sets ethics rules for the SC like full disclosure of any gifts similar to what every other damn federal judge has to comply with…but what really needs to happen is expansion of the court to keep these right wing illegitimate judges from screwing up the country further…geez…