Well…amid all of the chaos that is the repub party trying to pick a new Speaker after the crazy assed right wingers shivved McCarthy, it has started to look like jim jordan is going to be who they want for this important job…so, let’s remember who this asshole is, shall we? Let’s go all the way back to when ole jim was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University and guess what he did there? As the doctor for the team was sexually assaulting 100′s of students there, ole jimmy knew about it and did nothing…no reports to the higher ups, no police reports, no nothing as the students pleaded with him to do something to protect them…and he went so far to call the brother of one of the molested students crying that if his brother went public, his life would be ruined…and I still can’t understand why he has never been charged with anything in that scandal…then let’s fast forward to 2020 when ole jimmy was right in the thick of trying to steal the election for trump, attending planning meetings and making tons of coordinating phone calls with the other conspirators…but this is still the guy they want…of course it is…that is the modern repub party folks, you can break any law and cause harm to 100′s of students and that is not enough to disqualify you from leadership…and that is just frickin wrong…geez…
Category Archives: Politics
A little politics…
Well…yeah, I know…haven’t been doing much in politics with being so busy on the trip but I am going to get back into it today…but first I’m going to just touch on some things and fill it in later…I can understand the frustration of the Palestinian people with how they have been treated by Israel over the years but murdering innocent civilians is not the way to be heard…and I know it’s just a small faction of them who are the murdering terrorists but they do have the support of the majority of the people who live in Gaza and the West Bank so it’s confusing who to have sympathy for…I do feel for them but don’t they share responsibility because they allow these thugs to speak for them by murder? But, I don’t think that Israel committing war crimes is the correct response…it hasn’t worked in the past so why would it work now? After this spasm of violence is over, why not try something different like treating the Palestinians like human beings? Or finding the faction who doesn’t want violence and help them become successful? Of course that would mean a state for the Palestinians and with Netenyahu in power, that is not going to happen….something needs to change…geez…
This is stupid….
Well…back to the political stuff with the Hamas attack on Israel this morning where they fired almost 4,000 rockets and took over some border posts along with some small villages…and, as expected, this was met with the Israeli air force raining hell down upon the Gaza strip…and look, the only thing this Hamas attack is going to do is give Israel the justification for leveling most of Gaza and the resulting civilian casualties…I know that Israel has not been a good partner in trying to solve the need for Palestinians to have a state of their own, but this attack is beyond stupid…paying for temporary gains to make a point? Thousands are going to die by the end of the day today just so Hamas can make a point? Damn, I just hate this crap…geez…
This is too funny…
Well…haven’t been doing many political ones since I left for the trip but I have a morning off and thought I’d do one about the laffer that I read this morning…as the idiot trump was trying to certify his 2nd amendments bonafides a couple of days back at a gun show somewhere in the south, of course, the idiot MTG thought it would be a good idea if he bought a gun at the show and showed it off…and his campaign staffers were all in on videoing it as the idiot stood there with that stupid grin on his face…but, there is just one little problem…it is illegal for anyone under indictment for a felony that carries a one year or more sentence to purchase a gun…and I think 4 indictments with 91 felony charges fit that part of the law…so, I guess we are now at 92 charges unless he did what he always does, lie about purchasing the gun or having and aide do it since he never spends any of what little money he has left…all I have to say to the local prosecutor who now has video evidence of idiot boy committing a crime…get on it an indict this ass….let’s make it 92 felonies…geez…
Ha, ha…
Well…with all of the attacks on Joe Biden for being old and slipping, I just saw a photo of Biden and the idiot trump side by side, Joe riding his bike and looking fit as ever, and idiot boy looking like a beached whale sitting in a golf cart…and the media keeps saying that idiot boy is the more fit? All you would have to do to see the monumental decline of idiot boy is to listen to the stupid interview that NBC did over the weekend…not that I’d ever want to have you damage you eyes or ears by doing that…cripes I’d have to use ear and eye bleach after that….look, I know Joe is 80 and has a history of gaffes at times but he did that when he was younger, too…it’s just who he is and I would much rather have a trim, fit 80 year old good guy for president than the clearly failing asshole that is trump….and one of these days the media needs to wise up along with the American people…there is only one choice to be made and it sure as hell isn’t trump…geez…
Nbc is sure getting a lot of blowback..
Well…after the sordid debacle of putting the idiot trump on Meet the Press Sunday, the blowback to that bad decision and letting idiot boy come on an lie and lie is something to see…Keith Olbermann is even out with a long post on Kos today speculating that there is an internal investigation going on at NBC that could cost the anchor, producer and others their jobs…it was a pretty cool rant and worth reading…it is time for these “news” organizations to stop giving the idiot in chief a megaphone to spew his lies…NBC tried to stanch the bleeding by posting some weak fact checking online but that doesn’t do a thing for the people who will believe those lies and will never see the fact checking…they need to stop letting him do it…this is so bad that it may even kill the 75 year old Meet the Press…and it should if they can’t find their way back to true journalism…geez…
NBC is attacking the US
Well…I sure as hell didn’t watch the idiot trump on “Meet the Press” this morning but the general consensus is that the whole thing was a mistake for NBC since they let him come on and just keep on lying through the whole interview…and what the hell legitimate news organization lets a person who is under 91 felony charges and who is a proven rapist come on tv for a whole hour just like it’s the most normal thing in the world? Whoever is running NBC should be fired today along with the new anchor who just let him lie and lie with no pushback or fact checking…a debacle like this used to be career ending and it still should be…there is no place for letting this felon spew his toxic bullshit…by allowing this, NBC is complicit in attacking our country as much as any terrorist….geez…
Well…just wanted to do a shorty on an article I just read about a comparison of jobs created by repub and dem presidents…and there really isn’t any comparison…since the end of the cold war there have been 49 million jobs created…and guess how many are from each party…yeah, you know where I’m going with this, don’t you? Of the 49 million jobs net, the dems created 47 million of them or 98%…and that just shows that the dems economic policies are ones that work for everyone while the repub policies of tax cuts for the rich doesn’t do anything but make the rich richer…and we need to shout this from the rooftops since people believe that repubs are better on the economy than the dems when that is not even close to true…geez…
Americans are crazy…
Well…with the latest polls out that show the frickin idiot trump tied with Joe Biden really means that Americans are crazy…or stupid, or delusional…they even rate them the same on honesty and criminality…and that last one just makes me shake my head…the idiot charged with 91 felonies is the same as Jo Biden who has never been charged with a crime? The moron who tried to overthrow the government is rated the same as Joe who has done more for the country in 3 years than any president in history…the asshole who is one of only two presidents to lose jobs in his presidency is rated the same as Joe who has created 12 million jobs in his first three years? The dumbest president in history who added 7 trillion dollars to the debt in one term is rated the same as Joe who has taken the deficit down by a trillion dollars a year cleaning up after the disaster of trump? You get my point…anyone who thinks that idiot boy can compare to Joe in any way is just willfully stupid…and they would like nothing better to return to the circus of trump so they can continue to “own the libs” while the country burns and the rich steal it all…
What took so long, Mitt?
Well…let’s just stop with putting Mitt Romney on a pedestal for coming our with criticism of the repub party in support of a new biography that is coming out soon…and the only reason he is making this criticism is that he is retiring and doesn’t need to work with the crazies anymore…my question is: where the hell were you for the past 6 years? All I remember is the halfhearted bs where he seemed to try to have it both ways…one thing I do remember is that he was the only repub senator who voted to convict idiot boy in the impeachment trials twice, but he could have done more to call out the slide of the repub party into absolute craziness and hypocrisy…but no, let’s save it for a book that he is going to make a million dollars from…he says that he worked behind the scenes to protect democracy but the best way would have been to go public with what was going on in real time…or to switch parties and help the dems crush the crazy by voting with them…it’s just like all the repubs and reporters who had important information that could have been used to fight the maga assholes and the idiot trump…they thought of themselves first and the country second…and that is nothing to applaud…geez…