Well…there is this cloud of things that are in my head that I’m going to try to make sense of in a kind of stream-of-consciousness post that I really don’t know will work. It strikes me as stunning the complete abdication of a large part of our society to the cause of the know nothings who are still advocating “going by the gut” and ignoring the math of income inequality; preferring to continue the attack on the census that they believe is a political tool and as such, is not to be believed. This was not the case when they were in power in congress for the last census..at that time it was your civic duty to fill it out accurately and the data derived from it were important tools for governance, but the ignorance of the current leaders on the right and their concerted effort to make ignorance a political litmus test has resulted in a new generation that facts don’t mean anything to. This is a breathtaking cynicism whose only purpose is to regain political power on the backs of their followers who wear their ignorance and bigotry as a proud badge of “real Americans”.
What this allows the right to do is to discount any poll, study, or even peer-reviewed research that doesn’t agree with their ideology and is manifest in the “belief” that any and all scientific theory has an opposite belief system that has just as much validity. I blame a lot of this nonsense with the strange propensity of modern media give time and space to the opposition of settled science…it would be the same if the righties started to question gravity as a construct of the left and have the media treat these nuts the same as true scientists. When I was growing up, stupid ideas were painted as stupid ideas and were never given the validity they get today in the guise of “fairness”; back then, the cause of the truth was paramount and people died for it…today the truth has lost it’s value and we are the worse for it….geez…
Well…I’ve been sitting here trying to come up with a catchy title for this one and just couldn’t do it…probably shouldn’t do it owing to the seriousness of this one. If you don’t know, Chris Hitchens is a noted author, thinker and atheist whose recent book “God is not Great” was on the Times bestseller list for many weeks last year, and, who is fighting esophageal cancer with an uncertain prognosis. In an article in the Post this morning, the question was raised whether Mr. Hitchens would turn to faith now that he is facing death and his answer was a resounding no; that the sickness of religion and it’s power is based in fear..fear of the higher power and the unknown. Some of the religious who commented on the Hitchens post even went so far as to say that god gave him the cancer as punishment for his atheism. What kind of a petty, little prick of a god do these people worship? One that is so insecure that if even one person doesn’t bow to him, he smites them with disease?
I hope more people start to see what a waste of time and how stunting religion is to human growth and will join those of us that want to continue the move into the age of reason, where invisible men in the sky don’t rule over us and give us excuses for treating those who aren’t like us with contempt…..geez….
Well…was just reading a review of Neil Young’s new album (yeah, I still call them albums) “Le Noise” in the Trib and it made me think about how long he’s been a favorite of mine…..it’s over 40 years now, and I can still remember hearing him for the first time when he was with Buffalo Springfield when I was around 16. I know it’s kind of cliche, but his music has been one of the few that I would consider the soundtrack that has been in the background of my life since I can remember. One of the things that I have always marveled at is his ability to get at the heart of America; even though he is a Canadian…maybe that’s why he has that unique viewpoint to his songs that deal with the injustice that is part of the US.
When I think about it, I can’t believe the same person wrote “Rocking in the Free World” and the wonderful little love song “Harvest Moon” that both give me chills when I hear them but then throws in songs about the strangest of topics that he takes just as seriously….like “Inca Queen” and “Welfare Mothers”. I guess what I’m trying to say is there needs to be a Neil Young in the world to help us see the absurdity, injustice, beauty, and love that is part of it….
I know this isn’t the one I promised but if you’ve read any of these, you know how important music is to me….
Well..I know I haven’t been too prolific lately and I don’t know why…there are quite a few things that are simmering but nothing has come to a boil and forced me to write about it to keep my sanity…what sanity there is left anyway….so I promise I’ll have more later today…probably on the repubs blocking the repeal of DADT…
Well…watched a great program on the History Channel over the weekend about Thomas Jefferson and one of the things that struck me was his thoughts that one of the great dangers to the republic in his times ( and I feel current times) was inequality in the society. He was concerned about the concentration of political and economic power in the few, relating it to the structure in England where wealth and power were expectations of the elites; and not earned by any effort of that class.
I see the same thing happening in our society right now, where the watchword of the rich and powerful is “I’ve got mine, the hell with everyone else” and is distilled in the fight to keep tax cuts for the rich all the while telling the rest of the country they have to tighten their belts, that they have to sacrifice because the rich deserve the rest of us borrowing $700 billion dollars to give to them. I marvel at the sense of entitlement that has developed with these folks exemplified by the Koch brothers who are bankrolling the Tea Party, and who revolt at paying their fair share of taxes but have no problem spending hundreds of millions of dollars to extend their privilege while trying to destroy what is left of the social safety net for the rest of us. I’m tired of hearing millionaires whining that they are not rich, that the expenses of their lifestyles make it impossible for them to pay one more dime in taxes, that they would have to give up one of the summer houses and send their children on one less European vacation, and they would have to keep the Mercedes for an extra year. I see this new royalty and their sense of entitlement as a repugnant distortion of the American dream that is much more dangerous than any terrorist threat could be..geez…
Well…if you’ve read any of these of the past few months..you’ve seen that I have proposed a new political party that is based on reasonableness; that I feel that one of the problems in our political life is the lack of reason and civil discourse in what passes for political discussion. If you’ve seen “The Daily Show” over the past week or so, Jon Stewart has taken up the banner of reasonableness going so far as to schedule a rally on the national mall for the 30th of October to bring together the reasonable people that are left in this country…however few they are. Now, I don’t mind that there are others that feel the need to restore reasonableness to America, but dammit..I want credit for my ideas!
I wonder if I should sue? Not really…I just find it funny that I have been ahead of the curve twice now and having my ideas stolen by famous people is kind of flattering. But I’m putting you guys on notice, that means you, Olbermann, that I’m not doing this for free….oh, I guess I am…damn…
Well…yeah, I know, I’m late…have just had unexpected things come up all morning and now at 1:30 I’m finally able to sit down for a minute…so this isn’t the topic for the afternoon, since my head is really empty right now…going to go back through the papers later and try to get some ideas but I don’t know if that is going to work either. I’m trying….
Well…I haven’t laughed so hard in a while…saw a youtube clip that Glenn Beck has been playing (no, of course I wasn’t watching his show) that supposedly, someone took during his rally in DC a month or so ago showing a flock of geese flying in a v over the reflecting pond. Of course, Beck the messiah couldn’t let it go at that…that it was a cool bit of nature to be savored and enjoyed for what it was…geese looking for a place to land. He has now inflated it by saying that it was the great invisible man in the sky (or God if you like) that sent the geese to do a “flyover” in the shape of a v signifying that he will be victorious in his crusade to restore honor to the US. Really, Glenn…haven’t you ever seen geese before? Did you know that they always fly in a V when they are migrating?
This kind of delusional behavior has been the haven of charlatans over the years and Beck is no different….I wonder if he was the one that bought the grilled cheese with the image of Jesus on it….people that hear voices in their heads used to be called crazy…in his case, I think it fits…geez…
Well.. it’s been a long day…have had things to do all day until right about now…and I’m not used to that so that’s why no more posts…I’m trying to pull something together for later but it will probably be tomorrow….need to take a break and veg on the couch for a while…more later…
Well…this is going to be short and the coup de grace for the loonies that are opposing the Islamic center in lower Manhattan. Their argument to support their opposition is that ground zero is hallowed ground, and since the terrorists were Muslim, it would be sacrilege to allow the center at Park 51 to be built. Well…here’s a little tidbit that the haters don’t want anyone to know, there was a mosque in the south tower of the World Trade Center that was destroyed on 9/11. Yep, a fully functioning mosque, at ground zero….let’s repeat that…a fully functioning mosque, at ground zero; destroyed by the terrorists. So, doesn’t that mean that Muslims have just as big a claim to ground zero as the haters?
Let’s just dismiss Palin, Newt, and the rest of the idiots as the political opportunists that they are and start getting to the real issues that we should be focused on and get this country moving again…let’s have some real debate, leave the posturing behind and be adults.