Well…I haven’t laughed so hard in a while…saw a youtube clip that Glenn Beck has been playing (no, of course I wasn’t watching his show) that supposedly, someone took during his rally in DC a month or so ago showing a flock of geese flying in a v over the reflecting pond. Of course, Beck the messiah couldn’t let it go at that…that it was a cool bit of nature to be savored and enjoyed for what it was…geese looking for a place to land. He has now inflated it by saying that it was the great invisible man in the sky (or God if you like) that sent the geese to do a “flyover” in the shape of a v signifying that he will be victorious in his crusade to restore honor to the US. Really, Glenn…haven’t you ever seen geese before? Did you know that they always fly in a V when they are migrating?
This kind of delusional behavior has been the haven of charlatans over the years and Beck is no different….I wonder if he was the one that bought the grilled cheese with the image of Jesus on it….people that hear voices in their heads used to be called crazy…in his case, I think it fits…geez…