Well…did it to myself again last night and feel like crap again today…I hope this is just a spasm and not something more serious..we’ll see. Was thinking about the World Cup a bit and despite the diving, bad calls, and horns…I have really enjoyed the run that the US has put together. It’s a funny thing about soccer here in the US, there’s probably only one person in my group of friends that even care about the sport, but when I was out watching the last match surrounded by the guys from the Mexican restaurant, I could see really what the sport means to the rest of the world. I think I must look like an alien to those guys…an American that knows and cares about soccer…but it was their cheering for their adopted country and the chants of USA, USA…with a Mexican accent that made me grin.
I am going out for the next one…back to the Mex place for beer and food….go USA!
Oh…forgot to fill you in on the doings for today…having lunch with T at the Beltline but have to go grocery shopping this morning and maybe a haircut…I know a breathtakingly dull morning but that’s what my life looks like most of the time…
Well…the shower and coffee did work pretty well this morning…I felt pretty good after the bike ride; this was a pretty easy hangover and I think it has something to do with the fact that I’m sleeping better with the sleeping pills…but I’m going to stop them after this weekend just to see if my brain has been reset yet…hope so.
Where the heck can you find one of those cheap plastic webbed lounge chairs? I have been looking for a couple of weeks now and have looked at every store around here but Walmart…you know how I feel about them. It would seem like a relatively simple task to find one of those, they used to be everywhere you looked a few years back…maybe I’m out of touch? Just trying to get the old vitamin D up some by sitting in the sun…oh, well…
Nothing more right now…looking forward to just hanging out here tonight, watching Burn Notice and the new episodes of Futurama…yeah, I know, a cartoon, for an old guy like me? I appreciate comedy in any form (well, not Jackass)…and the writers do a great job…
Well…had fun out with Tom last night but made a huge mistake of continuing to drink when I got home…feel like crap today..but I did win at pool so maybe that makes it okay…nope….it doesn’t. I guess it’s just from boredom but that’s no excuse. Oh, well…
Not much to do today…man…I’m just not thinking right now so I’ll stop…you don’t want to read when I’m not at my best so come back later…I’ll have had coffee and a shower that might make me feel and think human….
On my way home from shooting pool with Tom and we ran across some kids that were having fun jumping off the camelhump bridge between Ada and Cascade…something that every kid that lives in the area has done since the bridge was built…I’ve gone off it too many times to count as has everyone I know…what made this wrong was a Kent county cop had to stop and give those kids crap about it..”hey teacher, leave those kids alone”, leave them to be kids…why do we have to criminalize doing what every kid has done since forever? geez….
Well…need to get this one out early today since I have to be ready, willing, and able by 10 when the US faces Algeria in the World Cup this morning…but why did they have to have the England/Slovenia game on at the same time…might have to go out where I can have two screens…nope, can’t do that…going to shoot pool with Tom this aft and can’t start drinking that early…will need to take a nap and there just isn’t enough time before 3. Of course, I could just power through the day but I think I lost that ability about 20 years ago…along with the desire to do it….might be a thing to try at some point in the near future, though; just for scientific curiosity mind you…not that it may be fun.
That’s enough for now….it looks like big storms here in about an hour and if the damn dish goes out (again) I am going to scream….
Well…had a fun night out with G last night…finally found a dive bar to replace the LC that has Keno and we won some cash…at least enough to keep playing all night. Have a bunch of stuff to get done this morning so this one is going to be kind of short…take a look at the last one if you really need to read more…or should I say please, please look at the last one? Nope..that’s just not me…read if you want…I do have something to say to the repubs who think Obama’s arm twisting to get BP to pay for the spill is unconstitutional later so come on back…it will fit a theme that I have been trying to get across….
Well…no Sunday Funday yesterday and I’m a little disappointed, but having 3 days off with no booze was probably a good thing for both me and my liver…I do feel better and I do have Monday with G to look forward to. Have a bunch of stuff to do today which, of course, include more World Cup but I have to work on the wreck a little…I think the sleeping pills are starting to work…not a long duration of sleep but much deeper and less flailing around…have not found a pillow in the hallway outside my bedroom in almost a week…hey, I’ll take my progress anywhere I can get it. Hope you didn’t get turned off about yesterday’s post…but if you’ve read any of this stuff before you’ll know that there are still lots of things that I struggle with…even at my age…and that is one of the problems that I see with life…you’re supposed to get better at it as you get older….just a big lie; I think everyone hides that they are still the unsure, confused people they were when they were younger and the extra experience just makes you more experienced…that’s it…more later.
I’m hoping the newspapers will give me a topic for later this morning, but working on the wreck will push the next post back til later in the aft….or not, you’ll have to come back to check…
Hmmmm….don’t know where to start with this one…I could get philosophical and ruminate on what it means to be a father but I don’t know if I’m the person to do that since it has always been somewhat uncomfortable to me. The problem is I don’t know why…my kids are the best people I know, certainly better than I ever was.
Do you have clear memories of your father? I only have two; one really bad and one really good…I guess there was just not a lot of interaction between us; how could there be with 9 kids in the family? You can’t fault him for that, but as I get older I can see that we may have been more similar than I remembered until now. When I talked about my memories of Ernie Harwell, one of the clearest ones was of my father sitting in the red and white 55 Ford station wagon with the radio on listening to the Tigers; just trying to find some time to himself….something I find necessary for my mental health. Among the many thoughts that have recently worked their way into my consciousness is the fact that I am now the same age that my father was when he died…did he feel like I do now? It would be nice to be able to ask that question…I hope my kids feel comfortable enough to do what I never had the chance to….
Well…up again at 5:13 this morning….this is getting old but slept okay really…there is a weird thing about the sleeping pills, when they shut off they shut off…and you wake up with no chance of getting back to sleep. Isn’t watching the sun come up supposed to be romantic? Oh, I guess if there is someone there with you…alone, not so much and after 5 in a row it’s stating to be a pain. So, I decided to get the post done early. Not much to do today except take care of C’s house and buy some groceries at least…I’m down to the last thing I had in the freezer…some turkey soup that I made after the last turkey around Feb or so…a long time but it still tastes great. Need to put some aloe on my head from getting sunburned over the last couple of days but at least I’m getting a little color. More later…
Well…I did get the newspapers bagged but not out to recycling…too much World Cup and naps to take so that won’t get done until tomorrow. It was just so nice outside that I had to get the chair out and sit in the sun for a while….and, as you know, I’m trying to even out the biker’s tan…similar to a farmer’s tan and I’m sure you know what that is. So, of course, I stayed out for too long and got scorched but damn, is 45 minutes too much? Oh, well….have done lots more stupid things. Hmmmm….you’ll have to wait for outrage until later…I know I still have the Jon Stewart thing to write about but I’m just not feeling it so I’m not going to fake it…the outrage that is….more later…