June 26th

Well…another early morning…up at 5:30 again…yeah, I know, you’re getting tired of hearing about that so I’ll try not to comment on that anymore…but no promises….It’s the big day today! USA/Ghana and I think that is going to be the focus of my efforts…didn’t drink a lot last night so I feel pretty good today and will be having beer at the Mex place during the game…maybe food, too but I have some chicken and pork loin chops marinating in a Jamaican jerk mixture that was so good the other day that I had to make it again. So, I might just grill some stuff instead…who knows?

Other than that, it looks like a normal, kind of boring weekend but I just need to start finding more things to do by myself….there is free HBO on the dish this weekend so I’ll take some advantage of that after the game…so I’ll warn you right now….going to feel like crap tomorrow and will probably be much less lucid than normal…if I am lucid at all…there are times that I feel I am but not every day…although it’s getting better as I get farther into this thing…I guess practice helps…more later…

Have to talk about salt….

Well…this one is another placekeeper since I’m getting ready to go out for lunch…the comments that I’m reading about the new GUIDELINES for salt intake are really showing me how deranged this country is getting. WOW….back later..
I’m back…had a nice lunch and a bike ride….I think it was yesterday that I saw an article that stated the recommendations for salt intake were being revised downward given some of the new studies that have been reported recently. Folks, these are just recommendations to help people stay healthy…just like how many calories a person should eat, whether or not to smoke, etc. but to hear the loonies out there, Obama is now going to have “salt squads” go around and arrest people and close down restaurants that put too much salt in their foods. One extreme idiot who I guess thinks he’s clever, even went so far as to say that he expects to be arrested for bringing his own salt shaker into a restaurant and using it. Really? Can anyone be so stupid?

I guess these cretins really think “ignorance is bliss” and what they don’t know can’t hurt them. I say to them, keep eating spoonfuls of salt every day, and burgers, lots of burgers loaded with bacon, and then sit on your couch and wait for the heart attack to come…it will be the best form of natural selection to let these morons die out young. Geez…

June 25th

Well…did it to myself again last night and feel like crap again today…I hope this is just a spasm and not something more serious..we’ll see. Was thinking about the World Cup a bit and despite the diving, bad calls, and horns…I have really enjoyed the run that the US has put together. It’s a funny thing about soccer here in the US, there’s probably only one person in my group of friends that even care about the sport, but when I was out watching the last match surrounded by the guys from the Mexican restaurant, I could see really what the sport means to the rest of the world. I think I must look like an alien to those guys…an American that knows and cares about soccer…but it was their cheering for their adopted country and the chants of USA, USA…with a Mexican accent that made me grin.

I am going out for the next one…back to the Mex place for beer and food….go USA!

Oh…forgot to fill you in on the doings for today…having lunch with T at the Beltline but have to go grocery shopping this morning and maybe a haircut…I know a breathtakingly dull morning but that’s what my life looks like most of the time…

June 24th part 2….

Well…the shower and coffee did work pretty well this morning…I felt pretty good after the bike ride; this was a pretty easy hangover and I think it has something to do with the fact that I’m sleeping better with the sleeping pills…but I’m going to stop them after this weekend just to see if my brain has been reset yet…hope so.

Where the heck can you find one of those cheap plastic webbed lounge chairs? I have been looking for a couple of weeks now and have looked at every store around here but Walmart…you know how I feel about them. It would seem like a relatively simple task to find one of those, they used to be everywhere you looked a few years back…maybe I’m out of touch? Just trying to get the old vitamin D up some by sitting in the sun…oh, well…

Nothing more right now…looking forward to just hanging out here tonight, watching Burn Notice and the new episodes of Futurama…yeah, I know, a cartoon, for an old guy like me? I appreciate comedy in any form (well, not Jackass)…and the writers do a great job…

When did anger become a virtue?

Well…this just popped into my head…no it didn’t hurt…when did anger and the expression of it become such a virtue? To listen to those on the right, Obama is not fit to be president because he acts too cool in times of crisis. You have got to be kidding me again…when I was growing up it was a virtue to not get upset at every little thing…to act like a man (or woman) when things went wrong and to think, then take action. There is even a well-know phrase, “calm under fire” that was one of the highest compliments that you could give someone. What went wrong? I think the right is confusing the sound and fury that has come to define their brand of politics with accomplishment…and being an adult. Fox News is even using the phrase “No Drama Obama” as another slur…what would they have him do? Run around and scream?

It’s just another instance of the right saying whatever they can, no matter how true to try to bring the Obama administration down by any means…sounds like terrorism to me…but as always, I support their right to say it.

Keith, if you decide to steal this one, too..you owe me…

Good riddance…

Well…as I advocated the other day…the President has removed General McChrystal from his position leading the effort in Afghanistan strongly reaffirming to this country and the rest of the world that the civilians are now and always will be in charge of our military. And, as more and more information comes out on this guy, what I said about him in the other post is also true: that this guy was just one of the tea partiers that could not accept that their side lost the election and was just throwing an immature fit like you see at all of the tea party rallies. Now, I know that some of you that read this are bosses…what would you do if one of your employees did what McChrystal did to the President? If one of your brightest engineers, for example, spent his break or work time bad-mouthing you to the rest of your team and showed you no respect? I’m sure you’d warn him that it wasn’t appropriate…but if he kept it up you wouldn’t tolerate it and would probably ask him or her to go somewhere else. Just what Obama did.

But, there is a larger danger here that has been ignored by our generation; a warning of which was given by an ex-general who was also president Eisenhower. “Beware the military-industrial complex”…to that I’ll add my own corollary…”Beware the hero worship of the military”. Many of the commentators seem to want to give the military a pass on everything with the right being the biggest cheerleaders…and yes they do sacrifice…but they also know what they are getting into when they sign up. It’s become almost like a religion to some folks and what the world doesn’t need is another religion…geez.

June 24th

Well…had fun out with Tom last night but made a huge mistake of continuing to drink when I got home…feel like crap today..but I did win at pool so maybe that makes it okay…nope….it doesn’t. I guess it’s just from boredom but that’s no excuse. Oh, well…

Not much to do today…man…I’m just not thinking right now so I’ll stop…you don’t want to read when I’m not at my best so come back later…I’ll have had coffee and a shower that might make me feel and think human….

This is just wrong…

On my way home from shooting pool with Tom and we ran across some kids that were having fun jumping off the camelhump bridge between Ada and Cascade…something that every kid that lives in the area has done since the bridge was built…I’ve gone off it too many times to count as has everyone I know…what made this wrong was a Kent county cop had to stop and give those kids crap about it..”hey teacher, leave those kids alone”, leave them to be kids…why do we have to criminalize doing what every kid has done since forever? geez….


Man….what a heart-stopping match between Algeria and the USA….and Donovan wins it in stoppage time. I couldn’t stand just sitting here so I went over to the local Mexican place to watch with some of the guys over there…the only other soccer fans I know so that was fun….even had lunch…great Mexican food at Cabana Tres Amigos…go there some time..yummy. As soon as the US scored I got a call from my daughter in Chicago checking to make sure I didn’t have a heart attack. England won, too, so her husband will be happy that they got through….I’m smiling….