Yeah, I know I’m late…it’s been a busy morning and I tried a few new things that put me behind…already have the slow cooker going with a pork loin roast in it and I even went out and got three papers to read this morning…that, and coffee have made the morning pretty good so far. I did decide to go out to see Harry play last night and it was pretty cool that his set started at 7…that’s pretty early for a band but worked out well for me. And, I took it easy so I feel okay today…I might even take the day off from riding since it is still wet and I haven’t bought the fender for the rear tire….don’t like the stripe of leaves and mud that ends up on my back…just looked at the radar and it looks like it’s going to rain for quite a while so I’ll probably just clean around here….but I do have to wait to do the kitchen until after cooking…
Not much to do today…I might be meeting up with C later if he comes into town since I have to go out to watch the Wings game anyway…and I am looking forward to the State game at noon…I may have a topic or two later..probably a sports thing or maybe a philosophy treatise…well….nothing that heavy…more later…
Well… this is going to be a short one but it is a thought I’ve had for a while and wanted to pass along…if you remember in the last election cycle, some of the insurance industry’s biggies supported dems since they could see that they were going to win control of the congress and if they were going to keep their promise to tackle healthcare, they wanted a seat at the table. They did buy that seat at the table and what that got them was the bastardized healthcare bill that had one great requirement that they lobbied hard for…that everyone will have to buy insurance from them. Once they got that little gem…they are now funding Repubs exclusively since they now want them to repeal the parts of the law that they had to swallow to get their individual mandate. Now, if the repubs take control you can bet that the insurance folks will lobby to keep the mandate but will get their way again when it comes to covering pre-existing conditions and the cost controls that are part of the bill. I have to hand it to them for playing the long con here…but we can take their victory away by keeping control of one of the houses of Congress in the dems hands and then moving to the government option that will take the insurance industry and their thousands of lobbyists out of the equation. It’s not that hard folks…just get out and vote…geez…
Well…didn’t go out with G last night but K did come out for a couple and I did get the chance to watch the first two perlods…and they ended up with a 4-2 win so that was cool. I do feel a little better today since I didn’t go overboard but I did have some really weird dreams after I was up at 4 or so and went back to bed. I do have to do the grocery thing this morning but it will be a short one..don’t need a lot but I do have to get drain cleaner since the bathroom sink is running really slowly…yeah, exciting life, huh? That’s about it…Netflix is running again, yay! So, I’ll be able to watch some movies today and just take it easy…nothing out of the normal…more later…
Okay, it’s later and I still don’t have a topic that is grabbing me…so, do I just write anything or do I wait until there is something pertinent? I hope this isn’t the whole being happy thing that was impeding my writing earlier…because I’m not really…happy that is…maybe it’s the being up and down all night and not sleeping…I could use any one of a number of excuses but I won’t…if any of you out there write, you know how it is sometimes…that no matter how hard you try…nothing comes..but I’ve never had to explain before because no one knew when I was blocked…now it’s out there for the world to see (or the small world of you that read this stuff) and I think that makes it tougher at times….blah, blah, blah…..I’ll keep trying…
Well…yeah, I know…my stuff hasn’t been as good as I like lately and it’s weird when the brain just goes off the rails and nothing I do helps at all…but, I guess that means I just have to keep trying, to keep doing this until the dam breaks again and I can be somewhat lucid. Good luck, huh? There is a bit of irony that I have to pass on that has been making me amused today…as you know, I replaced the dsl yesterday with cable internet to be able to use the internet like normal folks; to be able to watch videos and other media online without the buffering that the dsl needed. Well…I did get through a couple of movies on Netflix yesterday…no death screens or resetting the player at all…pretty cool…but, today, the whole damn Netflix site is down so I still can’t watch the movies I’m paying for…but, I am taking an amused view about the whole thing…part of the “trying to not get upset” process that I am trying out to some small success. There wasn’t a lot to do today…yay…I got it in…so I didn’t do much….still feeling crappy but, as I said before, I think there is a bug component there since I still have a fever…or it feels like it anyway. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it…there are some plans for this evening..may be meeting G for a couple and then I have to stay out for a while to see part of the Wings game…still haven’t found a site that I can use to stream the game…and the dish people and Fox are still working on the contract so I can get FSD again…oh,well…maybe I should do a Wings update later? Or that Nascar one that I promised…who knows?
Well…you know I’ve talked about the Citizens United case here before but with the new information that is trickling out of the blackout wall erected by the right, I feel there is enough to start to connect the dots on how our democracy has been hijacked by the unholy trinity of business, repubs, and the supreme court. Late in the day yesterday, the guest list from one of the Koch brothers soirees whose purpose was to plot strategy to regain control of congress was discovered. Guess who was on the list? Well.. Fox News, of course, and the RNC, and reps from the Citizens United group, but there were two people that were supposed to be kept secret: Justices Thomas and Scalia of the Supreme Court. Yep, that’s right, Supreme court justices at a political strategy meeting for the right-wing takeover of the Congress. Doesn’t anyone else see the conflict of interest here? Do you think it’s just coincidence that just a few months later, the Court overturned over a hundred years of settled law on the rights of corporations and the will of the people that the money of corporations could not be used influence elections?
Now, I’m not saying that the justices were bribed to make this decision, but, I do think their political leanings are affecting their judicial duty and they have become the most activist court in the history of the US. But it’s not activist for you and me, when cases come to them that deal with individual rights, they are all too willing to shred the fourth amendment and others; always deferring to their ideology instead of the law. We have become a worse nation for it…geez…
Well…kind of a strange day yesterday….not really strange but…yeah, strange. I did get the cable internet set up and it is so fast I can’t believe it..watched a couple of movies on Netflix and no “red screen of death” and it only takes about 10 seconds to load versus the 5 minutes or so that it took with the dsl. I still feel pretty crappy today so it must be a bug or something…so I’m going to take it easy today and just hang out….not much to do anyway…I’ll put the grocery shopping off until tomorrow but I will get to some topics today…there is a new one about the Koch brothers and their buying votes on the supreme court that could be interesting if I can flesh it out enough…we’ll see…more later…
Well… a come from behind victory in pool last night and had way too much, I feel kind of crappy today and I think it’s probably one of the last times…I’ve gotten used to feeling good when I get up and this is just not fun. Not much to do today….I think I’ll just watch a movie and veg…and I will get to a new topic later when I feel better…
Okay…got the workout and ride in and feel quite a bit better…even had lunch and got the cable modem set up…I can’t believe how fast the movies load from Netflix…I think I’ll be a hermit for the next couple of days and get caught up on movies that I haven’t been able to watch with the dsl….and, I really don’t have a topic for right now but I am going to try later…I do have a whole chicken in the slow cooker that smells really good but won’t be done until about 4 or so…and my son is coming over to set up the wireless router that he is giving me around 3:30 or so…then, maybe out with G for a couple but I am going to take it easy tonight…more later
Well…there are a couple of new ones that are dated the 18th since I started them yesterday and just finished them this look down and you’ll see some new stuff…and you night even see some more new ones today, depending on how I feel…but I am working up some outrage that I need to vent somewhere. It was quite a busy day yesterday but another Monday that G skipped…I guess I’ll just have to start finding other things to’s the same change thing that I’ve talked about quite a few times before but this one kind of puts a coda on what was left of the relationships from the old group. But is this to be mourned or to be celebrated? I think we can become too dependent on our routines, on the comfort of the known, and it is not always a good thing especially when the routines become a substitute for living your life. Just some musings…don’t make too much of them…
Not a lot to do today…I think there is pool out in Ada but I also have to buy the cable modem so I can dump the dsl and get that hooked up…plus, cleaning this joint up…there are spiders everywhere again and I need to get the webs vacuumed up and the bathroom done….so, boring as it is, that is the life right now…more later…
Well…this one is going to be written tomorrow too, and I do need to stop watching Keith…just like reading “Bushwhacked”, I am quickly losing my faith in this administration with their decision to fight the decision of one of the appeals courts to allow a lawsuit against John Ashcroft for unlawful detention and breaking a bunch of other laws…geez…
Well…the gist of my anger with Obama and his administration is their decisions to allow people to blatantly break the law and then do nothing to hold the perpetrators accountable..the latest one has to do with John Ashcroft, as I said above, but it is a pattern of political calculation that goes back to their decision to not prosecute anyone in the Bush administration for their outright admission that they authorized torture; in direct violation of international and American law. Just think if this mindset was in use when Watergate was going on…the same ideas and actions would have let John Mitchell walk free…along with everyone else that was involved. What has happened to us? Why have we stopped holding criminals accountable? This latest action puts me about an inch away from giving up on Obama and withdrawing from the political process. I thought this country was a country of laws, a country that everyone from the president on down was subject to these laws…but I guess politics now trumps the law…and we are so the worse for it…geez…
Okay…has there ever been a more hypocritical bunch of folks than the current crop of Republicans? If you’ve been watching television at all over the last couple of months, you’ve no doubt seen the political ads that state with ominous certainty that the stimulus package has failed. It is a staple of the ads here in Michigan; second only to the repugs use of Nancy Pelosi as the scariest thing since Dracula, but, there is a little glitch in those attacks…it seems while McConnel, Bachmann, and Sessions hammer on their fake facts that the stimulus didn’t work, they have written letters to the agencies that are administering these funds touting the effectiveness of the spending in creating and preserving jobs in their districts. Now, what is it? Did the stimulus not work or did it add jobs? I am so tired of the American people believing this blatant hypocrisy…and I am just as tired of the “mainstream media” not running these inconvenient facts on the front pages of newspapers across the country. When did lies and hypocrisy become acceptable? Now I know you’re going to say that everyone lies and the Dems are just as culpable…but that in itself is not true…the repugs have raised it to an art form because they know that people just don’t care, that the American public lives in a world of sound bites and superficiality that will allow them to take back control of the country….and finish killing it. Geez…