Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t do much….and I slept crappy again so I am just exhausted for the second day in a row…might have to go back to the otc sleeping pills again for a while just to recharge….I do have a few things to do today so that will be cool…going to wash the car since there is no rain forecast until next week and there is always cleaning to do….I did get some sun yesterday but the tan is not evening out as fast as I’d hoped…oh, well….I was good for the 4th day in a row and today will be 5 so I feel good about that….saves money and helps the liver….more later….
Monthly Archives: August 2014
The people of Michigan sure are gullible…
Well…with the election passing and the people of Michigan cutting taxes on business, again, all I can say are that the people who voted for this tax cut sure are gullible. Don’t they remember the promises made a few years back when they cut taxes on business and raised them on retirees? Didn’t they notice that job growth here in Michigan is 37th in the nation when ole Snyder and his cronies said the cut would vault us into the top ten if not the top five in growth? And, here we go again…cutting taxes on the rich while starving cities of the revenue they need to provide even the most basic services while our roads, schools, and bridges crumble around us and the rich take their money and stash it in the Cayman Islands so they don’t have to pay any taxes…leaving the funding of government to the rest of us while the rich keep making money on the infrastructure that you and I are paying for. I think the rich have won….they have stolen the entire country and left you and I with the leftover crumbs….geez….
August 6th
Well…it was an okay yesterday and the last of my purchases showed up and were put into use…not sure about the new headlights…had them on coming home from having a couple with G and they didn’t look that bright…but, it was only 9:30 so maybe it wasn’t dark enough to see the difference yet….slept like crap again last night but, as I said, not going to talk about that….it was nice to wake up to less humidity this morning and I hope the fog stays until I get out on the bike…running late but I’m not sure why other than a small grocery run….looks like I am going to make it being good for 5 days in a row and I feel good about that…no more than two days of cocktails a week from now on…not much to do today….I am going to surface clean the kitchen and throw out some stuff to start getting organized but that is about it….more later…
No politics…just an update…
Well…since the congress is out of town, there is very little to talk about in politics so I thought I’d do an update on some ot the other stuff that has been happening…got the first ride in with the new shock on the bike and it appears to be okay…handles the large compressions well and once I got the spring set right, it just does what a shock is supposed to do…not sure how long it will last but I’ll enjoy it while it does work….I did get the new headlights for the car today…Euro spec e-codes that fit right in no hassle…only took a total of 5 mins to install both of them and they look pretty cool in contrast to the sealed beams that were in the Miata…can’t tell how bright they are going to be without driving at night so I may have to take it out after dark tonight to just see them….my first modification of the Miata and probably the last…want to keep it as close to stock as I can…it’s just right stock….more later…
August 5th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I did get the new shock installed on the bike…not sure how long this one is going to last but for 8 bucks it doesn’t really matter…slept okay but have been up since 5:30 and with getting to sleep at 1, that’s just not enough…oh, well….I did have dreams with T in them but the outcomes were not good….I did get an hour in the sun yesterday and that is helping the ugly tan…I may help it even more with going to the beach later in the week…not sure….I am supposed to get the new headlights today and I will install them if they are here early enough…it should only take a few minutes per side and I can’t wait to see how they look…not much to do today…cleaning some and laundry but that is about it…more later….
Benghazi deflated…
Well…I’m not sure if there has been an outbreak of sanity in the repub run house, but the report that just came out of a repub committee investigating Benghazi has released it’s findings in the past couple of days and guess what the result was? No wrongdoing by the administration at all…debunking every talking point that has been pushed by Issa and fox news over the past two years…that’s right..no wrongdoing at all….no stand down order to keep a rescue team from trying to get there…that Susan Rice’s talking points reflected the consensus of the intelligence community at the time…and there was no coverup of any sort….what do you say about that Darrell? After you spent tens of millions of dollars looking for what didn’t exist do you at least have an apology for you incompetence? But, I still don’t think that the delusionists on the right will pay any attention to these facts…after all facts never have meant anything to Issa and his cronies…geez…
August 4th
Well….it was an okay day yesterday but nothing got done again and I am a little disappointed in that…slept crappy, too so I guess I’m 2 for 3…I did come back for a second one yesterday so I count that as a win….feel pretty good today since I was good last night and I hope to continue that for the entire week…at least until Friday…just checked with Fedex and my new headlights are going to be here tomorrow so I will have something to do…hope they’re not so bright that I get attention from the cops but with all of the different ones out there now, I don’t think that will be a problem…not much to do today…the normal stuff and maybe some more sun time in the aft…the biker’s tan is starting to even out but it’s going to take a while until it looks okay….more later…
Lying liars and Walmart…
Well…over the past 6 months or so, one of the topics that has been in the news a lot is the push to get the minimum wage raised across the country…some thing that repubs and the rest of the conservatives have fought with every tool they have…and, by tools I mean lies and economists who are in the tank for business. The latest one comes from an “analysis” of the wages at one Walmart in a North Dakota oil boom town where the shortage of labor has driven the price of labor even at Walmart to over 17 dollars an hour….and the first thing the “economist” from AEI (yep, Koch funded) says is “see, there is no need for a minimum wage if Walmart has to pay more in a tight labor market.” Now, either this PHd is stupid or he is just cherry picking numbers of one Walmart in one town to drive his political agenda…the political agenda of the Koch brothers who hate, just hate having to pay a minimum wage and have spent hundreds of millions trying to block any raise. His assertion only works in this tight labor market…in others where there is a surplus of labor, a minimum wage is needed or the surplus will drive labor cost continually down until it reaches essentially zero….now, this guy should know that…and I’m sure he does, he just doesn’t care and is lying his ass off to keep getting paid millions by the Koch’s…what a bunch of crap….
August 3rd
Well…another night of no sleep but I feel better than I should so maybe I’ll stop bitching about it…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t accomplish much…didn’t really plan to do much so maybe that’s an accomplishment? I did get a nice long bike ride in and plan to do that again today and with no wind, it will be another good ride today…have been sore all over the past few weeks and I’m not sure what that is about…okay, need to take some ibuprofen before I go out and see if that helps…not much to do today…going to clean and fool around here but that is about it…and there are races on so that might be a small diversion….more later…,
New stuff…
Well…it’s been a day and it looks like the new equipment is going to work quite well…it’s been one of those days today where I have been recovering from yesterday and haven’t really done much…did make a little cash today so that was cool and I did get to lay out in the sun to continue to try to even out the bike tan but that was all of the ambition I’ve had….I did get the chance to see Man U play at the big house where they won and the crowd of 109,000 was a record for the US….okay, can’t really think of anything else to say so I won’t keep going….