A full spandex woman…

Well…as you know, there are times that I comment on the spandex boys out on the trail; the bike riders in the thousands of  dollar bikes and spandex riding clothes from head to toe…probably fantasizing that they are in the Tour de France….and, until earlier in the week, it was always guys in those getups and quite a few of them shouldn’t be…as I’ve said before, no one looks good in spandex…oh, lost the thread…earlier in the week I saw a young woman in full spandex on some German bike I’ve never heard of….saw her twice actually, but she was not trying to go fast like a lot of the guys…she was just taking it easy and I just don’t understand spending all that money to just cruise…but I’m not going to spend a lot of time trying to understand…just something new…

August 8th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and i won at pool so that was cool….but that was the last one at CSB so that wasn’t….didn’t get anything done so today will have to be different…the spiders are taking over again so at least the bathroom will have to be done…sitting here right now in my Man U jersey watching the first game of the season and that will give me something to do sat and sun mornings….and Man U is ahead 1-0 halfway through the first…not much to do today…going to just watch football and clean…have to stop at the produce stand to get some tomatoes but I think I’ll do that on the bike since I ride near it….more later…


Well…it has been a day of change with Jon Stewart leaving the Daily Show…just watched the last one and all I could think about was the laughs I got out of that show…but, things change…and Tom and I had a big change today when we found out that the place we go to shoot pool on Fridays is closing so we now have to find a new place and that is a huge pain in the butt…have been going there for 5 years and it was just damn convenient and comfortable…oh, well…there was one thing about the Daily show that I think Tom will get a laugh out of…when we were playing today, I was going on about how many bands have used the Hammond B-3 organ in their music…it’s just an instrument that sounds right to me…well…the last part of the show tonight had Bruce Springsteen and his band on and guess what they had on stage…a Hammond B-3…and that is kind of funny since the last one was made in in 1975….still don’t like change and probably never will….

August 7th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I got my check back from the feds so that was cool..now I can pay my car insurance without taking the living money that I have saved…slept okay, I think, but I was a little numb from watching the debates and having cocktails to tolerate them…that will be the topic of one for later today…didn’t get much done yesterday and today looks the same with pool later and having to run some errands this morning…the spiders will have to wait until tomorrow….crap…forgot the ibuprofen…okay..that’s done…I do need to remember to take it since it really helps with the wrist pain when I’m on the bike….not much to do today…didn’t make it to Jon Stewart’s last show last night so I need to watch that later today but that is about it…and pool, of course, looks like a nice day for a top down run out and back…more later…

A whole lot of nothin…

Well…just watched the first “kiddie table” debate and all I can do is echo Hunter and say there was a whole lot of nothin there….other than troops to the middle east and more war…Clinton bad…yadda, yadda…small, small people with small, small ideas…geez…oh…and Bobby Jindal being very proud of taking healthcare away from poor women in his state….

The repub debates….

Well….I’m not sure if I’m anticipating the debates today or not…I do know that the first one with the junior varsity at 5 is going to be hard to take but may be the most interesting one with the participants doing so poorly in the polls that they have to do something, anything, to get a little traction with the repub electorate. But, my problem there is that I won’t have any cocktails yet to numb me to the stupidity that is sure to ooze from that stage….and that puts my tv in danger since I may just have to throw something at it with all of the lies and idiocy…I have been contemplating taking notes so I’ll be able to comment on them tomorrow but there are so many sites that will be doing live blogging or summaries that I’m not sure I want to make the effort. The varsity debate at 9 should be palatable with at least two cocktails in me by then but there will be the same or even more danger to the tv after the cocktails….and there is a compilation of “The Daily show” on comedy central that I can turn to as a palate cleanser if I need it…I am kind of looking forward to Christie and Trump going at it but I think the rest of them will follow the talking points that have been issued by the billionaires and will include “Benghazi!” and many other attacks on Hillary….might be better than re runs…..maybe not….


Well…I thought it pertinent to write about the pending Iran nuclear deal on the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima 70 years ago today….almost 90,000 people died in that blast with thousands more dying in the years after…I know it was necessary to end the war but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn something from it. But now, we have idiots like Tom Cotton proposing we use nuclear weapons to take out Iran’s nuclear capacity and then send in an occupying force to ensure that all of their capability is gone… and this is the thing….the deal that was negotiated by the US and the four other nations…Russia, China, France, and England will ensure that there will be no capability for Iran to get a bomb…at least for 10 years while, by intelligence estimates, destroying their program now will only set them back 5 to 7 years…so, what do you want? An agreement that costs the US nothing and prevents the bomb for at least 10 years, or to bomb and invade Iran that would cost trillions (again) and thousands of US lives?  I am tired of war…we have negotiated with our enemies throughout the history of this country and why not now? The only reason is that these idiots on the right have tunnel vision that war is the only way we will get what we want in the world…and they think the same way in the US trying to govern…our way or the highway is the only acceptable option to them…but, that is just not how the world works….these guys are just too stupid to know that….geez…

August 6th

Well…running a little late today since I had to do the grocery run this morning..how do you spend 45 bucks at the grocery store and come home with nothing? At least I had the 45 bucks to spend….slept okay last night but no dreams this time and I’m okay with that…I was good again last night but that is going to go away tonight…after all, how can you watch the repub debates without a cocktail or four?  I do feel okay today but there is a general soreness that I haven’t felt in a while….okay…going to go get some ibuprofen…that’s done…have to prep for the bike ride or my wrists and right tricep will cramp up on me…not really cramp but I think it’s tendon swelling from irritation….I do like my new coffee maker…it makes better tasting coffee than the last one and it has chrome accents on it that I like…not much to do today…going to do the bathroom since I counted 12 spiders in there this morning and the shower needs to be cleaned…I do have to watch Jon Stewart’s last show but I’m not sure I’ll make it tonight…probably have to watch the rerun tomorrow night…more later….

Questions for the repub debate….

Well…with fox news running the debate for the repubs tomorrow night and 3 of their biggest toadies there being the moderators, I want to speculate a little about some of the questions that will be asked….let’s take them numerically…

1. Is Obama one of the worst presidents in US history or is he the worst?

2. Did Hillary order the attack on Benghazi or did she just cover up that the CIA did it?

3. Will Obamacare kill your grandmothers this year or will they wait until next year?

4. The liberals want to tax the rich to pay for infrastructure repairs….why shouldn’t we give them more tax cuts instead?

5. Some women in the country have the expectation that they should control their own bodies….tell us why they are too stupid to do that.

You get my drift…I am going to watch just for grins but I’ll bet there are at least one of the questions above that are really asked in some form….geez…


Well…as you know, I get some weird thoughts when I’m out on the bike and I have had this one running through my head for a couple of weeks now…so, I thought I’d try to put it into words and just see what happens….the whole thing started with the realization or recognition that matter and energy are just two forms of the same thing and that everything that is living on the Earth comes from the photons that the sun emits….but, you know that…I hope…and those photons, when converted into matter by plants…are then used by me to make the chemical energy that I use to drive the bike…but, it doesn’t stop there….I find it kind of interesting how quickly this chemical energy can be changed into potential, kinetic, or heat energy while I’m on the ride. Ride to the top of the first hill, and the chemical energy has been converted into potential energy…you can’t see it or feel it but, at the top of the hill, the bike and I are full of this type of energy…and it is quickly released when I head down the next hill…..then the legs take over and the chemical energy is converted into kinetic energy…or the energy that comes with movement of a mass…and then when I stop all of that kinetic is converted into heat by the disc brakes…and then the cycle starts all over again when I start moving again….I find that kind of interesting…not sure if you will….